Last Chapter: The Final Battle

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Hello, Kiwi here! I would love to thank you ALL for sticking with me to the end of this story. I'm really glad I finished this but at the same time I'll be missing this series. I enjoy reading your reaction and comments, and it's your support that kept me motivated for this long, so I really hope you enjoyed this series the whole way through! Even though it's the final chapter, stay for the epilogue! Thank you!!


"I'm willing to believe that you won't give up without a good fight." Fire Spirit smirked as he pointed his staff towards the two Dark ones. "But we gotta get home too."

"Just as I expected from you," Dark Enchantress chuckled evilly. "However, we will not lose the same way this time. Just a small reminder that Pomegranate and I are stronger than the five of you combined."

"Maybe you're stronger than just us..." Fire Spirit tapped the orb on his staff. "but we're not alone here."
As he finished speaking, he stepped aside to reveal an entire large group of Cookies. Dark Enchantress smirked.


Without as much as a warning, Moonlight waved her staff and giant meteors crashed down from the sky and towards the two. Pomegranate easily dodged and as Dark Enchantress teleported with her wormhole, she tapped her staff once on the ground and it sent red waves vibrating across the field.

In the back, Herb felt a sharp stab in his back area. As he doubled over onto the ground, he noticed that Roll Cake and Wind Archer collapsed as well. Then, the real pain happened.

Herb felt like as if a knife was being plunged deep into his back as he cried out and the grass around him began to wither away and die. Then, where the dead grass lay, purple flowers sprout from the ground all around him. His eyes glowed a bright red and flashed back into brown.

"Herb, are you alright?" Pumpkin Spice worriedly rushed over to the gardener's side. "What happened?"

He would have replied, but then a sharp pain spiked his entire body.

"Get back, please!" Herb cried as he the ground around him shook.

As Pumpkin Spice jumped back, giant vines burst out of the ground and writhed around Herb. Aggressively, the vines snapped back and forth trying to grab someone, Herb tried the best in his power to control the violent plants. Beside him, a dark mist swirled around Roll Cake and the demolitionist stepped out with a pair of bright red eyes and a confused look on his face.

"What?!" Lemon instinctively grabbed his cube. "How is he back?"

A pair of feathery wings sprouted from Wind Archer's back as the Legendaries grouped around him in concern.

"Hey!" Fire Spirit marched up to Dark Enchantress. "What'd you do to Windy?!"

"I simply revealed his true form," Dark Enchantress cackled as she lifted herself up into the air. "Now he will obey us like he should!"
With a snap of her fingers, Wind Archer's head snapped up and the crystal on his head glowed a bright magenta and his eyes a deep indigo.

"No way!" Sea Fairy gasped. "Could it be...?"

In a swirl of leaves, Wind Archer had transformed back into Night Raven.

"My faithful guardian, blinded once again..." Millennial Tree remarked sadly as he began forming a Purifying Beam in his palms. "But I must defeat you, no matter what you are to me."

Then, he blasted it towards Night Raven but the archer was too quick. He quickly leapt into the air and landed beside Pomegranate.

"We already have one more on our side," Pomegranate smirked. "Soon enough, those two will join us as well."

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