Chapter 22: We'll Just Breeze Through This

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I really don't know what I did with the title. It's a dumb pun that no one will like, even if they get it.


"The Gumball Cannon 2.0 is now ready!" Hero called out from the other side of the Lab. He wheeled out a massive, red cannon.

"Great! Now to insert the gumballs!" Dr. Wasabi jumped up from her chair and picked up a bag of giant gumballs.

Mustard watched from the side. She never thought an argument with her and Wasabi would lead to the discovery of the cure for Jellification.

"Hero!" Wasabi called out. "Do you have the rifles ready as well?"

"Got them right here, Doctor!" Hero exclaimed as he pulled out a pile of rifles from the back of the room.

Vampire entered the room, yawning, followed by Alchemist.

"What're you guys up to?" he asked, running his hand through his long hair. He noticed Mustard next to him and immediately backed away.

"Stop being so rude!" Alchemist scolded her brother.

"She spray-painted my hair last time!" Vampire whispered back. "It took hours to get it all out!"

"I can hear you, ya know?" Mustard rapped the sides of her spray can angrily.

Vampire took two steps back.

"Okay, bro. Chill."

Rolling her eyes, Mustard continued watching Wasabi and Hero at work with their contraptions. It was quite an ingenious idea of filling cannons with the antidote-gumballs with the intention of firing them at entire mobs of Jelly Walkers. She just hoped it would work. This could be the break in this case.

Wasabi made a noise that sounded like a weird mixture of a toot, a squeal, and a squawk of a dying bird.

"It's finished!" she exclaimed, readjusting her goggles. "Now we can use it!"

Wheeling the giant cannon out from behind the scattered parts, Wasabi and Hero pushed the weapon out into the open area.

"Gather everyone here!" Hero announced. "We're going to explain what to do!"


The rest of the group consisted of a grouchy-looking Grapefruit, Cherry Blossom trying to stop Cherry from destroying anything else, and Rockstar desperately trying to smooth his white, fluffy locks of hair.

"What did you call us out for?" Grapefruit grunted. She took a sip of her smoothie and instantly looked better.

"We just wanted to let you guys know that we created a cannon to shoot out the antidote to Jellification!" Hero explained, patting the side of the massive cannon. "This bad boy can hold so much power!"

"You guys will also be armed with these rifles," Wasabi added, pulling out a gumball rifle. "so you won't die instantly!"

"So, we fire these when Jelly Walkers get close?" Rockstar asked, scratching his hair.

"Well, for the small rifles, yes!" Hero responded. "But supposedly, the cannon is for us to fire at the Walkers before they can get close to us. One of us will have to bring this thing on a high surface and fire it before things get out of hand."

"Aaaand, who's gonna do that?" Vampire asked, crossing his arms.

"Ooh, ooh!" Cherry sprung up and down as she sprinted to a spot next to Hero. "Let me do it! Let me do it!"

"If you're going, then I'll come along..." Cherry Blossom remarked, following her sister.

"We're going to need at least three people to wheel this thing, so who else wants to go?"

The rest exchanged nervous glances, but no one spoke up. After a good thirty seconds of silence and awkwardness, Hero sighed and said, "In that case, I'll be the one to go. It's for the best, since I know how to operate it and everything."

Turning to face the group, Hero added on, "Make sure you arm yourself with a rifle, in case something happens. Wasabi will instruct you on certain things about it."

He turned to the Cherry sisters and said, "Let's get going, then!"

"I think it'll be good for me to first scout the area for possible dangers!" Cherry Blossom suggested as she opened up her parasol. "There's a good breeze today, so I think I'll be able to catch a decent flight."

"Sounds good."

Lifting her parasol, Cherry Blossom got swept into the sky. The rest watched her float off into the distance.


"Beet, are you sure it's this way?" Carrot groaned as she climbed over the thick underbrush of the forest.

"I sense a powerful presence from inside the forest," Beet answered her orange-haired friend. "sort of like the type the Legendaries have."

As the two continued on, they noticed the number of trees came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the woods. The stumps of trees stuck out like pins on a pincushion from the ground, the trunks smashed into pieces and laying on the grassy floor.

"Looks like someone got here before us, but there's a portal!" Carrot pointed out.

Sure enough, there was a large, swirling portal standing amidst the broken branches. There was no sign of damage on it.

"The power is radiating from the other side of the portal," Beet turned to Carrot. "Wanna go in!"

"You bet I do!" Carrot exclaimed.

And without another word, the two friends leapt into the portal.

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