Chapter 16: Danger

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"Are we all done here?" Black Licorice asked the group. He scanned the crowd as they nodded.

Most of them got new outfits, including the bunch that didn't need to change. Herb now wore a brown half-sleeved sweater, Gumball wore a jacket and shorts, Angel had an oversized sweater on, and Lime wore a tank top and skirt.

"I didn't think this would turn into a shopping spree, but that's fine," Black Licorice shrugged, leading them to the cash register. "Now you'll have to pay."

Each of the Cookies reached into the pockets of their original clothing, expecting to pull out some coins. But instead, all they found were slips of paper.

"Is this human money?" Herb asked, inspecting the paper.

"No way, that means our currency changed along with us!" Gumball exclaimed, holding up the money.

Everyone paid for the clothes (the cash register looked at them strangely), and the squad finished at the store and walked out of the shop.
After shopping, Gingerbright suggested to go out to eat. As Cookies, nobody got hungry too fast, but as a human, everyone agreed with her to eat. For some reason, they all felt the need to eat something soon. Black Licorice complained a little about getting off track but eventually agreed to take them to a place to eat anyways.

"We don't actually have time to sit down and have a meal," Black Licorice noted, leading the group around town. "so I'll just take you to a fast food place."

That was a mistake. Immediately after saying that, the younger Cookies began debating what fast food was and how it would be like.

"Obviously the food is gonna run fast!" Gumball suggested.

"Are you stupid?" Lime grumbled. "They mean you turn fast after eating the food!"

"I forgot none of them has ever had fast food," Black Licorice murmured as he pushed open a glass door to a fast food place.

Surprisingly, it was pretty much empty. Turning to the squad, Black Licorice asked, "Vegetarian or not?"

They were all confused.

"Yo, what does vegetarian mean?" Skater asked, jumbled like the others.

"Vegetarian means you don't want to eat a cooked dead animal," Black Licorice pulled out his wallet. "Now decide."


"I upgraded your visor, DJ!" Hero exclaimed as he held up the improved glasses to DJ's face.

"Gee, thanks, Hero!" DJ thanked his friend. "I don't know what I'll do without you!"

"Ha, it's nothing, really!"

Slipping on his screen, DJ activated the device as it whirred on.

"So, what does it do now?" he asked.

"First of all, I improved its battery life," Hero informed, tapping his own glasses. "Instead of having twelve hours, it now had eighteen!"

"That's so cool!"

"Yeah! And that's not even the best part! Check out the set of buttons on the left hand side!"

DJ pressed one of the buttons on the left hand side. Suddenly, he saw an image of Pink Choco chatting with Cherry Blossom.

"Woah- what?" DJ stumbled back.

"It's kind of like a Finding Friends thing!" Hero explained. "This function helps you know where certain Cookies in your life are. It's still in development, though, so it can only work for thirty minutes per charge."

DJ clicked the button again. This time, he saw himself and Hero standing in front of each other.

"That's so awesome! I think I'll save this for playing around another time."

He shut off his glasses and slipped them in his pocket.

"Thanks so much, Hero," DJ thanked his friend once again. "You're a lifesaver."

"I'd prefer you call me your 'hero,'" Hero replied with a knowing grin.

They both laughed, and DJ left the room to go to his own. In his room, DJ put his glasses back on and inspected his surroundings.

"It feels nice to see again."

Then, he noticed a rock on the ground.

"How did that get there?"

Bending down to reach it, he accidentally hit the side of his head at the corner of the table.

"Ow!" DJ jumped up sharply and slapped his hand to that area. In his rush, he accidentally pushed a button on the left side. An image flickered onto his screen.

It was Roll Cake... but he wasn't a Cookie anymore. His clothing and looks had changed, and his expression was much more sinister.

"Lemon's cube and Gumball's canon, eh?" the Roll Cake in the image leaned against the back alley. "I'm afraid Pom wasn't specific enough with their location... but I'll figure it out."

Letting out a small gasp, DJ quickly pressed the button again. There was an image of Lemon sitting with a few other Cookies, only they had the same type of features as Roll Cake did. It took him a moment to calculate it all. They were no longer Cookies, they had been turned into humans!

He came to realize that Lemon and Gumball didn't know Roll Cake was after their items. First Roll Cake destroyed items and lives, and now he was going after DJ's friends. That angered him.

Grabbing his backpack in the corner, DJ slung on the bag and raced downstairs. Slamming open the door, he yelled, "Does anyone know where the portal to the human world is?"

Grapefruit, who was just inside the room, jumped up from surprise. It took her a second to regain herself.

"I saw Pumpkin Spice heading south," she pointed out the door. "Maybe you should go there!"

"Thanks!" DJ replied as he sped towards the door. However, a hand grabbed him. Turning around, DJ saw Pink Choco behind him.

"DJ, where are you going?" she asked, almost seeming annoyed. "Don't get yourself in danger!"

"Um, Pink," DJ stuttered. "I'm kinda in a rush here. You stay where you are!"

"No way!" Pink Choco exclaimed snatching her Love Beam from the counter. "Wherever you're going, I'm coming with you! Remember our promise!"

DJ groaned. The last the he wanted was Pink Choco getting hurt, but he had no choice. Time was running out.

"Fine then, follow me," DJ stepped out the door. "Just make sure you don't get in danger yourself."

Pink Choco smiled. From there, the two raced out the door, and down the dirt path.

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