199. As Things Begin to Settle

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Tuesday morning, Anne did not want to go to school.

She was thrilled to know the world would not be coming to an end for her in six months time. But, the other side of that news was that she now had to go to school with Mother Nature alongside her.

"Can't I just stay home? Maybe Emily needs me today!" Anne begged.

"You don't go to her on Tuesdays. You'll see her tomorrow." Marilla was firm.

"But I can't go until after school hours now," Anne thought of. "She won't get as much housework done without me there all afternoon. Let me go to her today. Please, Marilla!"

Marilla marched her out of the kitchen and prodded her to go back into her room. "You've missed enough school as it is. No more."


"Anne, do be sensible. You can't miss a nearly a week of school every month."

Anne's arms were crossed. She knew perfectly well she was pouting and she knew she shouldn't be pouting at her age, but she couldn't help it. Marilla was setting her up for a tragical happening, should her dress be soaked through!

"Now look here," Marilla said patiently, opening one of her dresser drawers. "I rolled up extra sanitary napkins and hid them inside this washcloth. No one will know they're in there, because it will look just like the cloth you bring to keep your chalk in."

"Fine," Anne said stoutly. She took the washcloth and stuffed it into the rest of her things.

"Let's go, then" Marilla said, turning her around and giving her a firm push. "No more delay. Matthew's waiting with the buggy."

Anne unhappily went out to the buggy and climbed in. Marilla climbed in after her.

After a few minutes of driving, Marilla remarked, "If you feel all right about walking to school, you may. I know Diana isn't allowed to walk with you just now, but if you and Gilbert want to walk together, that's all right with us."

Anne felt optimistic for a brief moment before she remembered that she couldn't let Gilbert think she loved him. "Oh," she said. "I'd rather just walk by myself."

Matthew and Marilla looked at each other.

"You don't mean, that, do you, Anne?" Marilla asked.

"Well," Anne began miserably, "I don't want to walk with Gilbert anymore."

"Has something happened?" Marilla asked, concerned. "Did you two quarrel?"

Anne shook her head. "We've spent so much time together; I think we're getting tired of each other!" She tried to laugh it off, but it wasn't convincing.

Matthew said, "If he said or did something to hurt you, you'd tell us, wouldn't you?"

"Oh, yes! Yes, I would! He hasn't. It's only that I want a break from him. We're friends, of course, but there can be too much of a good thing, you know," she said. "Besides, now I'll have my other friends again, and I needn't rely on him so much." She sat up straighter, firming her resolve. "Frankly, Gilbert Blythe can be a bit of a bore."

Marilla laughed. "My, I thought you liked him."

Anne gave her the side-eye. "Marilla, you didn't think I liked him in any sort of romantical way, did you?"

Marilla tried to look disapproving. "I should hope not! You're still just thirteen."

Anne nodded. "That's what I thought."

When they reached the school, Anne climbed down with far less hesitation than she had the previous day. But Matthew still said, "We'll wait a few minutes, Anne, to be sure he doesn't come." Then he added, "If you go inside and he's in there, you come right back out and we'll take you home."

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now