205. Communication

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When Anne was returned to Green Gables, she told Marilla she had a headache and she went to bed.

She slept until dinner, and only came downstairs then because Marilla told her she had to.

After dinner Matthew asked her if she'd play checkers with him, but she told him no, which was unlike herself. She lay on the sofa in the parlor after dinner, facing the cushions instead of the room, as she read more of Alice. But after finding herself re-reading pages she'd just finished, realizing she'd read without actually taking it in, she finally she gave up and told the Cuthberts' she was going to bed.

"Is she...all right?" Matthew asked, after she'd gone.

He was staring after her.

Marilla looked up from her knitting. "I expect she's just tired."


Saturday passed uneventfully, but Sunday morning Anne didn't know what to do with herself and decided she wanted to go to church.

Matthew and Marilla were having breakfast- not expecting to go, as Anne couldn't be left alone- when she came down washed and dressed and ready.

"Are you sure?" Matthew asked her, staring at her with his steady, calming eyes.

"Well, I think it's good, you getting out," Marilla said briskly. "You're back to school, no reason not to be back at church, too. I've felt convicted that we stopped going, a child ought to be brought up going to church-"

It was only a few minutes before they were on their way. But approaching the church, Anne felt she'd made a terrible mistake.

There were too many people, too many eyes lying in wait for her.

And Billy, she thought with despair. I knew the Andrews' would be here, why did I want to do this?

And Gilbert won't be here, surely- he wouldn't leave his father at a time like this.

She got out of the buggy and faced the church, with Matthew and Marilla on either side of her, her protectors from prying eyes.

As they approached the open doors, Anne stopped. "Can we sit somewhere else- not our regular pew?" she murmured, pulling Marilla's sleeve.

Matthew understood that if they sat in a different place, they might attract less stares, and maybe even go unnoticed.

Anne hoped.

They ducked into the last pew in the sanctuary, at the very end.

Anne became very busy looking at the hymnal as others came in and made their way to surrounding pews. But no one spoke to them.

When the choir began the opening hymn, Anne sat still as a statue, unwilling to look around the church, afraid she might meet a returning gaze.

After the opening hymn, the congregation rose and sang How Great Thou Art- Anne's favorite hymn. Although she stood along with everyone else, she did not sing- she could not seem to find her voice, and only leaned in to Matthew, wishing she had stayed home.

When Marilla glanced at Anne, leaning in with Matthew's arm around her, Anne expected Marilla would scold her and tell her to stand up straight and sing, but she was surprised to feel Marilla's arm reach across her too.

The singing over, the reverend began the sermon. Anne could not have told anyone what it was about. She waited only for church to be over.

But once it drew to a close, she became afraid. She did not want to get up and walk out- what if someone said something to her? What if she saw the Andrews? What if she saw Billy?

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now