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Thank you so much for reading my story. The end of the story (the chapter before this) was so important to me- the message at the end- and I hope that the way it ended helped you in some small way. Thank you for reading. Hugs to you all. 


Marriage never left Anne's mind, or Gilbert's.

Matthew and Marilla knew this, and accepted it, though Marilla still insisted they not rush things or act as though they were already committed to each other.

Before Gilbert's father passed away the following winter, he reminded Gilbert that he did not have to ask for his blessing; he'd had it long ago- once again calling Anne a rare gem. Gilbert had to wipe the tears from his eyes as John Blythe used his last, labored words to tell his son that he would go to sleep imagining his empty house filled with the laughter of children.

Marriage would not happen for many years, but when it finally did, there would be times, Anne and Gilbert already knew, when he would frighten her without ever meaning to. There would be moments when his tender touch would hideously morph into Billy's in the dark recesses of Anne's mind, and she would have to stop him. But she was confident in knowing that she wouldn't have to stop him, because he would stop himself.

And he would wait with her, as long as it took, until she came out of that dreadful moment and found safety in his arms again.

There was memory in touch, and both were patient, understanding that it would take time for Anne to collect more of Gilbert than she had of Billy.


But back to the meadow, where the Queen Anne's Lace grew around them...

The day that Anne lay down in the meadow and found her safe place again, she did not yet know that that place would be the same place she first kissed the man who would become her husband.

The earth would continue its journey around the sun as it faithfully had for eons.

Spring would melt away into the summertime, and summer would float away on a brisk fall breeze. Anne would struggle through that fall, but the people who knew her struggle would be an endless source of strength to her, until at last fall gave way to winter.

But in the winter it was Anne's turn to be Gilbert's strength. And when winter stepped aside to let springtime in again, they'd be standing in this very spot, together in the meadow among the Queen Anne's lace, their hearts belonging to each others just as much as before, but strengthened now by another year together.

Anne's breath caught in her throat as Gilbert reached out to her, his hand at her cheek, gentle as a whispering wind. He'd touched her this way so many times, always with a tenderness that made Anne's heart ache with a yearning for a life she'd never expected she could have.

But today she could tell Gilbert wanted something from her- and was surprised to find that this did not frighten her. The longing in his eyes was about her, not about himself. She trusted him completely.

But he pulled away from her as he always did, glancing down with a hint of rose in his cheeks.

She let her breath out. She did not even realize she'd been holding it.

"What is it?" he breathed.

She blinked twice, coming out of it. "Nothing," she whispered. "I...I thought you were going to kiss me."

Gilbert shook his head right away, his hand ruffling his hair. "No," he said. "No, I wouldn't do that."

"Why not?" Anne asked suddenly.

Gilbert finally looked up at her. "Because you don't want that."

"What if I did?" replied Anne, surprising both of them with her boldness.

"Anne," Gilbert began, looking as if he didn't know how to respond. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You haven't. You never would."

"I don't want to scare you, either. I don't want you to feel like you're not safe with me."

Anne smiled at him, new light shining in her eyes. "I've felt safe with you since the first day I met you, Gilbert Blythe. You were the only one, for such a long time! And now I've started to feel safe so much of the time."

He smiled at her, relief showing in his face, but then said, "I suppose I thought you might be afraid of men."

She was honest: "I am, sometimes."

He looked down, but his eyes met hers again when Anne touched his chest lightly. She said in a whisper, "But I've also been close to one without ever being hurt."

And she slipped her slender hand into his.

He looked at her with a question in his eyes. "So...I can- you want me to-"

"Yes," she said, laughing.

And like a knight, he leaned close and left a chaste kiss on her flushed cheek.

But Anne was disappointed. "Oh. I thought you were really going to kiss me."

So concerned was he about not pressuring her, he said quietly, "Are you sure, Anne? You don't have to..."

"I know," she told him, her smile lighting her up, "And that's why I want to."

Gilbert found his other hand traveling back to the place he'd last left it- at her pale, tender cheek- as he'd touched her so many times.

But this time was different, because now he was free to draw her closer.

Anne found herself tilting her face toward him.

They met in the middle, as they always would.

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now