201. A Big Sister

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After school, Matthew and Marilla dropped Anne off at the Perkins' with a promise to be back before dinner.

"Do you mind if just Matthew comes to get you?" Marilla asked, figuring it was worth a try. "That way I can have a good hot meal ready for you when you come home?"

"Well- all right," Anne said hesitantly.

Good, Marilla thought- She's getting over this 'both of you have to come with me' business.

But Anne wasn't quite over it. She asked worriedly, "You'll keep the door locked while you're alone, won't you?"

Marilla looked at Emily over Anne's head.

"Yes, of course I will." Marilla said, patting Anne's shoulder.

When they had gone, Emily turned to Anne. "Let's see. I have a lot to do, but I'll start with the ironing."

"All right, I'll take Clara away and read to her," Anne said.

"I thought you could bring her in there with me and keep me company while I iron," Emily said cheerfully.

"But you worried she would get too close to the fire. Or that one of the irons would fall on her."

"I needn't worry about any of that if you're holding her," Emily said. "Besides, I thought we could have a chat."

"Are you sure?" Anne asked. "You said you refused to let Clara in the same room as the hot irons!"

Emily told her: "You know, I've found myself fretting less over her. At the beginning, I could scarcely sleep a wink because I felt I had to watch her every moment- I'd stare at her sleeping and worry that if I stopped, she might stop breathing! But now I've become a bit more relaxed. Of course I must keep her safe, but over time I've gained enough sense to see that there's a world of difference between taking precautions for safety, and, flat out living in fear!"

Anne was thinking.

Emily looked at her. "Come into the kitchen with me."

As Anne settled in with Clara, sitting with her in the corner on a blanket with her blocks and rattle, Emily put her oven mitts on and carefully slid one of the irons out from over the fire.

"So how are you enjoying school?" Emily asked, setting the heavy iron on her ironing board.

"It's gloriously beautiful because I have my very dearest friend in the whole world there by my side all day long. And a lot of the other girls are glad I'm back, too!" Then she said quickly, "Only I'm sorry not to be of much help anymore...I feel bad that I can only come for a couple hours after school, now."

"Well, Anne, I am very happy you could go back. A young girl ought to be in school."

"Emily," she said hesitantly, lifting Clara up and holding her close. "...Do you know why I wasn't going to school?"

Emily wasn't sure how much she should reveal. She said carefully, "Miss Cuthbert mentioned you'd had some trouble with a boy at school."

Anne nodded slowly.

"Is that getting better?"

Anne bit her lip. "He isn't coming to school anymore. So I guess it's all right now."

Emily was relieved. "I'm glad to hear it. So now school can be what it's supposed to be," she said, turning around the pants she was ironing.

Anne didn't answer her.

"Is something wrong?" Emily asked then, noticing Anne seemed melancholy. Anne was making a little tower out of Clara's blocks, but then she pushed it to knock it over. Clara laughed, so Anne did it again.

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now