230. Outpouring

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Anne utilizes my the only thing I have to do method here :p Whenever I start feeling overwhelmed, I tell myself "the only thing I have to do is..." and do it. And then I say it again for the next thing: "the only thing I have to do is..." Because dividing everything up into tiny little steps makes it easier. :)

In the morning, when Anne woke up, she hoped she would be all right now. But it was a fragile hope.

She lay there a few minutes, and finally sat up.

She got out of bed and washed her face, but found that she could not fathom going downstairs and having the whole day ahead of her.

She took a deep breath.

The only thing I have to do is put my dress on, she thought. Even the buttons on her dress overwhelmed her, so she quickly told herself she did not have to button them. The only thing I have to do is put my dress on.

Now that it was on, she looked in the mirror. She took another deep breath.

The only thing I have to do is button the first button.

And once she buttoned that first one, it was easier to complete the line of buttons, going all the way up until she was finished and her dress was buttoned.

The only thing I have to do is put my stockings on.

So she did.

That accomplished, she hesitantly slipped her feet into her boots.

She went to her door, and put her hand on the knob.

The only thing I have to do is walk down the steps. And if I change my mind, I can come right back up.

She went slowly down the stairs.

Matthew and Marilla were having breakfast, and Anne surprised them when she walked in.

"Anne," Marilla said in wonder. "My, it's good to see you up! Are you hungry?"

Anne nodded, and went over to where Matthew sat, leaning in to him for a hug. He smiled up at her, holding her close.

Anne did not talk much during breakfast. As she had told Lydia, she felt her voice had been taken away from her- but she also had the promise that it would return.

After breakfast, Matthew needed to start work, and Anne helped Marilla cut up carrots and potatoes. They were going to get them in with the roast so they could make beef stew, which Anne had asked for yesterday. Marilla was happy there was something Anne wanted.

As they were finishing, there was a knock on the door. Anne stopped in alarm, but Marilla gave her a pat and went to answer it. It was Mrs. Lynde.

Anne heard Marilla talking to an excited Mrs. Lynde in the hallway, and came out slowly to see what was happening.

Anne felt terribly self-conscious, because she was not used to being around people, and because Mrs. Lynde had seen her at her worst. But today Mrs. Lynde looked over at her with understanding.

"Hello, Mrs. Lynde," she said shyly.

"Anne," Mrs. Lynde said, coming over to her. "You look well. It's good to see some color in your cheeks."

Anne nodded, swallowing. "What's going on?" she asked quietly.

"One of Mrs. Lynde's sons- the one with the new baby- unexpectedly came to visit," Marilla told her. "Isn't that nice?"

Anne only stared.

"I was asking Marilla to come over and see them- it's been so long," Mrs. Lynde said, "And of course you must come, too."

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now