211. What to Do

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Hi everybody. I'm sorry for going two months with no new chapter. Really. I can't believe I stopped writing for two months. I just got to where I couldn't do anything because I was depressed. I'm better now. Part of what got me to wake up a little was realizing that in a few days it will be a whole year since I started writing my story, and I want to finish it. I left Anne in depression and now it's time to write her out of it.

Also, I am going to update a lot within the next day or so, because even though I said there were only 10 chapters left, I literally just wrote 30 pages and there's no way I am putting up 30 pages as ONE chapter lol so these 30 pages will be split up. But I will still post them all today and tomorrow.


Originally, saving the bloody shirt had only one purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews would have preferred to think that Anne was corrupt and had brought this upon herself. Jane keeping the shirt was an attempt to prove that it couldn't be Anne's fault, because the bloody shirt meant Anne had been trying to fight back.

But the plan had been deemed no longer necessary since Mr. and Mrs. Andrews had agreed to pull Billy out of school. Everyone thought that would make it all better. ...Only now it seemed that wasn't enough. Their original plan, made long ago and never used, would have to be re-purposed now.

"The thing is-" Jane said. "The thing is, it's not just about what my parents believe. It's about what everyone believes. The whole town's heard the rumor that Anne tried to pin a baby on my brother so she'd be able to finagle money out of our parents. That's what Josie told everyone! Ugh, Josie- I'm so angry with her!"

"Me too...and Josie even dragged Gilbert into it," Diana said with a shake of her head. "Telling everyone the baby was his! It's awful."

"I'm sad for him, too, of course," Jane agreed, "But the rumors have done nothing to him- did you notice that?"

Diana nodded. "All anyone cares about is if Anne's wicked. No one seems to mind so very much if a boy has..."

Diana trailed off, and Jane asked, "What?"

"...Escapades," Diana finished, blushing pink.

"Your mother would be furious if she knew you came up with a word for that! Be careful what you say at home, Diana, or she might never let you speak to Anne again!"

But Diana looked sad. She wasn't thinking about her mother; she was thinking about what it would be like to have all those judging eyes on her: "No wonder Anne's hiding in her bedroom! Wouldn't you just hate to go into town- ever- if people were thinking those things about you? I would; I'd die of shame!"

But then, seeing Jane's face, Diana quickly said, "You know, let's not think anymore about it now. Let's hold off till Gilbert's with us. We're all on Anne's team; we should wait until we're all together- then we'll figure out what to do."

"Okay," Jane agreed with Diana, breathing out slowly. She was relieved to feel she was 'allowed' to forget about it for a little while. It was all becoming such a burden.

Looking over at her, Diana suddenly squeezed Jane to her. "We'll get it all worked out, Jane. For now, let's go to my house and bake cookies! ...My mother doesn't have to know we'll bring some to Anne."

Jane smiled, and Diana thought it finally seemed genuine. She hurried Jane along faster to the Barry's, and before long she and Jane were covered in flour, laughing.


Gilbert arrived to school late, and Jane and Diana did not have time to speak to him before class.

Part 2 of "In The Woods When First We Met"Where stories live. Discover now