chapter 1

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beep beep!! the alarm went off alerting me that's its time for work.

"Why the fuck work gotta be so early? like who the hell eats veg so godamm early" I screamed covering my face with pillow wanting to go back to bed even though it wasn't so comfortable.

I didn't get to sleep last night because the gun shots that rang all night, I'm use to it by now though. I was born and raise in this mess in crenshaw L.A where you would see all gang bangers, all thugs,all bitches, all pimps, all hoes and most of all bay bay kids running around the hood playing with no care in the world as their mom would be sucking a dick to get a quick fix or to buy the new phones,purse, shoe or clothing from the most expensive designers, or maybe to just put food on their table.

I finally got up and took my ten minutes quick shower because my mom was waiting to use it to go to her job at McDonalds in our small ass bathroom. I got out and lotion up throwing on my regular wear, I wasn't wearing any Chanel, red bottoms,Prada or whatever those brands calls, i'm just wearing my ugly ass green work shirt and my tear up acid wash Aeropostale pants which I wore like almost everyday and my black and white converse that has a hole in the side of it, thats all I have though but i'm still grateful.

I head out to work not by driving or flying I took the bus, which I time every morning since I got this job like three weeks ago.

I stepped in and was greeted by my co worker and a friend Celine, which they called spice every time I called her spice I would just smile, fucking ratchet ass name.

"hey badass the punk was talking about you not too long ago" she said chewing on her bubble gum , I just gave her a smile wondering what he wanted and what he was saying about me.

The cock sucker was my boss, always flirting with me and this bitch ass nigga has a wife with kids, like who does that. I prepare myself for this bitch as I knocked on his door.

"Come in" He said after three knocks then I low key hissed my teeth. After I got in I just put on a smile and tell him that I heard he wanted me earlier and what's going on. He smiled showing his pearly white adjusting his jacket leaning back in his chair.

Finally speaking up he said  "yes Tara I wanted to talk to about moving from the kitchen which is so hectic to the front at the cash register since your my soon to be girlfriend nothing ain't wrong with you handling my money from now on" he gave me a cocky grin"so you will be there starting today, actually now" he checked his watch licking his lips.

I mean mugged him lowkey "okay I will" I said making my way out his office only to be stop by the grip of his hands holding both of my hands.

"Now give your boss a kiss" he sticks out his slimy tongue, as I tried to pull away the bitch ass nigga ran his big crusty hands up my blouse,just as I was about to kick him in the nuts some one knocked at the door making both of us jumped. I pulled the door stepping out and saw the bitch I work with kesha licking her lips. "Gay ass " I said to my self walking away to my new spot.

There I stood taking orders as I said next there I saw the most handsome, smooth dark and lovely well groom looking like he's maybe 6ft or more with some big juicy kissable red lips wearing a red polo shirt, couple tattoos on his sleeve, some nice gold chains and few gold rings.

"ummmm ......are you taking my order or your just ganna stare" he chuckled biting on his bottom lip knocking me out of dirty thoughts.

"oh yes how may I help you sir?" I gather my thoughts together

"I would like the special that you guys have and some oj please shawdy" he said making only eye contact.

"okay sir" I punch in his order then told him "your total is 35.45 you can wait over there for your food" I said as I saw him fish into his pants pocket for his wallet pulling out a stack of money taking out a hundred dollar bill from it.

"You can keep the change in an exchange to your number" he said smiling, I put my smile away and mean mugged him. The fuck this nigga think I am, like I'm frighten for his money or his good looks.

"it's okay" I said trying to hold my composure because I wanted this job, I put up with all these bullshit from the fucking rapist son of a bitch boss and annoying ass customers. I pulled out the draw from the cash register taking out his change,he just smiled and walked away not taking his change.

Oh well tip for me,one dollar closer to ma dreams.

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