Chapter 16

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"Come on Tara" I said to Tara as I made my way to the kitchen.

"What you want to show me?" she asked smiling

I pulled the kitchen mat from over the cherry wood flood and lifts up the board.

"What's going on Lamar?"she asked looking confused.

"I'm showing you something and I'm going to teach you something as well"I said smiling.

"Okay babe" she said nonchalantly.

I Drop the stairs that leads to the under ground of the house and made my way down.

"Take your time baby girl" I said as Tara climbs down the stairs.

"What the fuck" Tara yelled looking around

"What's wrong?"I asked laughing.

"Lamar why do you have so many guns and why do you have a gun range?" she asked panicking

"Well its simple, if anything goes wrong I want you to run down here, that door over there is the exits it will lead you out underground and I don't want nobody to know about this and if shit goes wrong Tara I want you to take all the money that I have inside of that couch and run, you hear me?" I asked holding her hands and pointing over to the red leather couch.

"Yes I'm hearing you king" she said sobbing.

"Tara I want you to be strong at all times because anything can happen" I said then kiss her forehead.

"Just know that I love you" she said wiping her tears with my hand.

"I know baby gurl and let me teach you how to shoot" I said then I took down the smallest hand gun off the rack.

"King I cannot do all this" she chuckled.

"yes you can, now I want you to take this gun"

"I'm not a killer king" she said nonchalantly

"Your not but being with me Tara I want to know that your safe at all time even when I'm not around"

"I know that Lamar but....." she said but I stopped her.

"But nothing Tara, take this gun and these ears muff" I said passing her them.

"What now?" she asked looking around

"I just want you to take the gun off safety and aim" I said smiling

"Is it that easy" she said smiling

"Yeah, now I want you to aim at his head"I said looking at the man on the picture.

"what now?"she asked aiming the gun

"Put your finger on the trigger and pull it" I told her

Tara did what was told and it hit his chest

"Nice try" I said smiling

"better than some pussy ass nigga" she chuckled moving the muff from her ears

"Hell yeah, now I want you to take a next shot"I said wrapping my arms around her positioning her hands.

"I can do this baby" she whispers smiling and took the shot but sadly it hit his nose bridge.

"That's better"I said while caressing on her fat ass.

"I'm almost there" she said smiling and gave me a kiss

"That's it for the day, we can do this some other day, maybe tomorrow" I said with my arms wrapped around her.

"Yes baby and plus I have some where to go with Leah now" she said smiling

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