Chapter 33

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Tara P.O.V

"You one of them trap queens" the officer chuckles as he wrote down the information I told him

"What you mean trap queen do I look like a trap queen to you, I'm a mother of two boys and their father just happens to be Lamar kids" I hissed getting ballistic

"Of course we know that you the baby mama of the one of the most notorious drugs lord in the game" he grins "but we caught him, he's going down, you wouldn't even believe who rat him out" he whisper then chuckled "Officer Bulgin please to search her" he points at me as he sips his coffee and ate the donut

"I've been working here for three years now I know the process" he mumbled "Mam please come this way" he told me and I followed behind him but the officer voice kept on repeating in my head 'you wouldn't believe who rat him out'

"please to take your belt off and place your bags down, whenever I'm finish searching you and the visit is over you can come get back your stuffs" he told me

I took my belt off along with my shoes and he went ahead search me and also my hair.

"Mr Smith is waiting on you, you may go ahead" he told me and put on back my shoes and he lead the way. I took my seat at the first glass and put the phone at my ears, I watch as king come towards the glass both feet and hands handcuff wearing his orange jumpsuit, his face is all beard up and his head needs a fresh cut. That wasn't my king.

He smiles as he saw me and the guard took the handcuff from his foot but three guards stood over him and one at the other guys who was also talking with their people. King as already told me that he had maximum security since they classified him as the most notorious drugs lord.

"Tara-lee" he took his seat and put the phone to his ears"don't cry baby"

"I'm trying Lamar, trust me im trying" I told him as I wipes my tears

"Tara you know how this shit goes, this the life we live baby, how is the kids?"

"They're fine, I'm still trying to take all this in, things are happening so fast Lamar"

"I know baby but it is what it is, we've made it to the day what you were warning me about, Tara I've disappointed y'all but I was only providing for my family"

"We both know what went down and this is my first and last visit we don't need to talk about that"

He nods "my lawyer told me that I might look up to ten years since they don't have enough evidence and if they did it would be more"

"You'll be gone for ten years king, our boys will suffer the most"

"I didn't want shit to be like that ma but it already happened no turning back now, just hold me down like how you normally do, family is everything take care of the kids and my assets, you know I spent a whole lotta money on my kitchen" he smiles " just make sure my kitchen is well clean that's our kids favorite place to be" he smiles as he talks under code but I knew what he was saying

"Yes Lamar" I chuckled at him

"You know I'm truly sorry, I've done fucked up things in my life and made some fucked up decision, your the only person I trust another than copper right now baby, just hold me down take care of shit, I know you can do it, I know your strong baby ten years ain't nothing for a nigga ma"

"I will do whatever Lamar, we will be fine just take care of yourself whenever them gates open me and the kids will be there first, be careful in there I know your short tempered but please king I want you to come back home to us to your family baby"

"Mr Smith it's time to go its time to close off all visit" I heard the guard said

He looked back at the guard "Don't you see me talking ma nigga, the fuck wrong with y'all man, I got like thirty minutes to talk to ma wife and it ain't over playa"

"As I'm saying baby hold me down, I love you tell the kids and my mama I love them ma" the guards held onto him pulling him up from the chair

"Take your time with him what the fuck wrong with these police man, Lamar I love you baby come home back to yo family" I yelled as they cuff him back and brought him outta sight

Two months since king been in jail and today is his trial, when I got the news that the feds clamp down on him I was in a state of shock but I know they was going to raid his house anytime soon, I had to do what I had to do, me and yardie went there and I got the money from the underground escape of his house that he told me to take if anything went down and run,we grabbed a couple of his guns packing it into the duffle bags , some of the niggas from the trap came with us as well and I gave each one of them the keys to all of king cars along with his four wheelers bikes. We had to burn down king's mansion, burning all evidence all the paper works, It felt fucked up doing that but I know king is going to prison so those evidence would just add more to his time. Just as we left the house police/F.B.I ,ambulance and the fire department drove past us.

Since he only can talk to his lawyer I only get to hear information from his lawyer Brain Charles a big top notch lawyer in LA. I asked him about the case and he told me king could be looking at 8 to 10 years the most. When he told me that I had to break down I couldn't hold it in any longer.Spice is all over the place just like me burning and getting rid of evidence, she had to do the same shit like me burn down her home. The place where we share good and bad memories, the place where we once called home. Mama Norma been going crazy she's all over, I wanted to scream sometimes but I have to stay strong, I have to help my kids father out, Leah don't talk no more she's silent all the time but that's how she handles situation .I had to send my babies to ATL with my mother until this is over with I can't have my babies around all this.

The bitch Kelly is no where to be found I don't hear shit from her she's missing in action. And the bitch claims he's her man and I'm the one have to be down for him in his fucked up days.

I got dress into my Red christian dior dress with my christian louboutin spike black heels I grabbed my Chanel bag, closing up my apartment and head inside my G wagon truck

Kings P.O.V

Two months since I've been in this small ass cell denying bails each time that my lawyer tried, they don't give me calls to talk to my family or any visits except for the one time Tara gets to see me other that that I only get to talk with my lawyer Charles. I know I'm going to prison but this is not the end of me.

Yardie and Tara hold things down for me, that's why I love that girl so much its doesn't matter how fucked up I've treated her she's always ganna have my back through thick and thin.

The guard escort me inside of the court room where my lawyer was waiting on me along side my family.

"All rise" the judge said and we did what was told. I looked over at Tara who looked sexy in her red dress I'm going to miss my baby man even though we are not on good terms now

"I love you" I mouthed and she gave me a weak smile and shows me a heart with her fingers

"Take care of my babies" she nods "yes"

Copper lawyer Maxwell did his thing and it was time for his sentence

"I sentence Kevin McKenzie for illegal drugs 4 years in Walks field prison" the judge said knocking her hammer thingy, spice screams out JESUS into the court room and started to cry her eyes out ,Tara had to comfort her, I watch as they escort him out and he shouted

"Love you hold me down take care of my daughter" he yelled. The more they took him out of sight I got more nervous, I kept on looking back at Tara as she sobs and my mama had her arms around her.

Charles did his thing and I did mines on the stand and I kept my eye on Tara the whole time,but now it's time for my sentence

"I sentence Lamar Smith for illegal drugs, illegal unauthorized weapon and money laundering to 7 years in walks fields prison for males" she said and my knees got weak I had to sit down

I heard the commotion behind me and when I looked I saw Tara on the ground.

She fainted

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