Chapter 28

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                       Tara P.O.V

“Make sure you strap them in good" I said to king who was about to take us home. I've been discharge from the hospital with the twins and I'm excited, I'm excited to be a mother, a mother to two handsome babies.

“I got this ma" he said buckling Leon car seat

“Okay babe let's go" I said going inside to the passenger seat. I wasn't fully recovered as yet because I'm still a bit sore down there and my legs are not fully strong as yet but I'm glad I'm out.

The first in a long while king don't play music in his car because now he anit listening shit,not even the radio, he kept on looking at them in the mirror the whole ride home which took us for about 2hours because he's driving so slow, the cars behind him had to beep him all the time but he didn't paid them attention.

“Welcome home babies" I said as I hold the bags and the bunch of balloons I had got from Janice when yardie and her came to look for us.

King hold the two car seat in his hand and took them inside.

“My yung kings" he said smiling as he hold Leonard on his chest.

“I know right" I smiles

I sat beside king and takes Leon from his car seat and holds him as soon as I took him out he started to get fussy I had to shut him up with my breast.

“I got competition" king chuckled

“Damm right these are ma babies breast now" I said laughing as I feeds Leon

”I can see that ma" he chuckled.

King fell asleep with Leonard on his chest and I change Leon and put him in his crib and turns on the monitor. I was scared that king might make a wrong turn and Leonard would fell off him so I took him up and change him and bring him to the room.

“They asleep?" king asked as he stretch waking up from the couch with me sitting across from him watching the TV.

“Yeah they sleeping baby" I said smiling

“Imma check on them" he said and went to there room.

“And imma get dinner started" I said making my way to the kitchen

I started the dinner and made king favorite his fry chicken, green beans and mash potatoes salad.

“Let me take him' I said taking a crying Leon from his hand

“Go eat ma" king said rocking Leon

“no I made dinner for you,let me give him something”

“Alright" he said and passes me Leon, kisses my forehead and head to the dinner table.

I put Leon into the swing while I pump the milk from my breast with the breast pump.

I started to feed him and just as he was almost done I heard some crying into one monitor.

“Imma get him" king said putting the glass on the table

King came back with Leonard and I gave him the bottle with milk that I had pump for him

“I'm going to miss you when your not around" I said smiling looking at king feeding the baby.

“I know ma but I gotta make a quick run tonight" he said causing me to frown

“How long?"

“Not sure as yet it depends" he said and I shakes my head looking at him

“First night home and this is how you started?" I asked while burping Leon

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