chapter 6

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Alex's Pov

When we got to the mall jenn parked her car. We got out and walked into the mall.

"Where to first?!" yelled Jenn.

"Garage!" Andrea yelled.

Then they all started to run. I ran after them.

When we got to the doors we where all out of breath.

"Holy, I-I-I'm outta b-b-breath" Rebecca says. We all nod.

After fee hours of shopping we had lots of bags.

"Guys, all that shopping is making me hungry, let's get some food" I say. Right now we are in Sears.

"Agreed" they all said.

"Guys lets put our bags back first, my arms are tired" jenn complaines. So We walked out into the parking lot.

When we got to the car Jenn got her keys out, then we put our bags in.

"I can see ma arms" Andrea said looking at her arms.

We walked back into the mall then headed to the food court.

I went to New York Fries, And of course I'm getting fries.

Finally, my turn, "Hi how may I help you?" a lady asks nicely pulling a smile on.

"Hi, Can I have a Large frie, With a medium Pepsi" I ask. What? I'm hungry..

she nods and puts it in the thingy. "That we'll be $9.99" she says.

I hand her $12. she gives me a $1 in change.

I move down and wait for my food. A minute later somebody stands beside me, and I just awkwardly stand there. I could feel this person staring at me. I looked at the dude "do you have a problem with me or something?" I ask he quickly looked away. asshole ain't gunna answer my question.

"Here you go" A different lady says. She puts my food on the thing. Then my drink. I got some ketchup and a straw.

"Thanks" I say grabbing my food. she nods and smiles.

I looked around to see where the girl's where. In saw Andrea sitting at a booth. I walked over to her.

"Hiya" I say mad she jumps.

"Oh my god, Alex, you scared me!" Andrea says putting her hands on her chest.

I sat Down across from her and started to eat.

"large fries, and a medium drink." Andrea says reading my reset.

"Yep" I say. and she laughs.

Few minutes later Rebecca and Jenn came over laughing.

"Ya Alex, I saw that guy totally checking you out when you where in line" Jenn says. Ohhkayy.

"Um ya, because I got a large fries?" I say, but it sounded like a question.

"That doesn't matter if you got large fries, he totally thinks your hot!" Rebecca yells sitting next to me, Then people look.

"He doesn't even know me. So no" I say.

"That doesn't matter, He likes you" Jenn says.

"What guy?" Andrea says.

"a Guy that was behind Alex in line! He kept on looking at her. NOT because she got a large frie" Jenn says.

"Well I'm NOT into him. soo." I say.

"So your into Trevor eh? eh?" Andrea says.

"You know, he's practically my brother" I say.

Then all of them go all wide eyed and look at echother. Then Andrea goes on her phone.

It's probably 6:30 and we are still in the mall.

We are walking to the photo booth, And my phone goes off.


To Unknown- Ya, Ashley, not good idea to tell me your name..

She just sees it and doesn't answer.

Then my phone went off again. But it wasn't from that Ashley Bitch.

From Jc- I'm guessing your not coming home? And that the hole car is filled with bags?

I stopped to text him back.

To Jc- Haha. probably tomorrow or today? I don't know. And yes, there is more then 20 bags in the car. half of then are Andreas..

From Jc- What are you guys doing now?

I look around and I don't see them..

To Jc- Just, going to take pictures..

From Jc- And are you lost?

To Jc- Maybe... Will bye dad. I'm going to look for them. and When I get home I need to show you something..

From Jc- You guys Better not of got a ticket..

I laugh a bit Then started to walk. And they are no where in site. I decided to text Andrea and ask then where they are at.

To Andrea- Where yo guys at? I'm lost

From Andrea- At the photobooth hurry!

I ran down to the photobooth. And there is lots in here. I ran to the closest, Lucky, They are in this one!

"Smile!" Jenn yelled.

We smiled. Made weird faces. Double chins. Best day ever.

You could chose how much you wanted to print. We all got one so we printed 4 off.

We started to walk back to the car. Me and Rebecca are cramed back here.

"I bet Lia wants to meet you, our house is messy, so we well bring you back" Jenn says.She sounded a bit sad.

We where driving in silence till we finally got to the house.

"Bye Alex! nice seeing you! Maybe we can hangout again!" Andrea say.

"Bye Alex!" Jenn and Rebecca say at the same time. I smile and wave.

I grabbed my bags then walked to door. It's my house to, so I should walk in, right?

I walked in and saw all of the boys chasing echother. Kian just had his boxers on..

right when they herd the door close they eminently stopped. Kian was on the couch. Standing up.

"Uhh, I thought you weren't coming back till next week." Kian said. and I laugh.

He runs up to his room I'm guessing to get changed.

I walked up to my room and Jc followed. So where Is this Lia chick?

"Wait in here, I'll get Lia. She doesn't know about you yet" Jc said pushing me into my room. Uhh, ok?

I put my bags in the corner of my room then I put the pictures of us on my night stand.

I walked over to my dresser then Jc walked in with a blonde chick.

"Lia, This is Alex" Jc said

Lia looks At me and smiles. "is she like your cousin?" she asks.

"No" Jc said. She looks a bit sad.

"um" she says

"Lia, no, Your my girlfriend, She's, She's my" Jc pauses, "She's my daughter" Jc blurts.

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