Celebrate Good Times, C'mon!

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"To freedom"

"To freedom"

Tara and I are in her living room, currently drinking a bottle of beer. Yes, I am 20, but my birthday is in a few days, so I'm basically 21. 

"I can't believe you finally got the guts to leave. And you followed my amazing plan. Sneak in-" "I swear to God, if you repeat the plan one more fucking time, I'm going to slap the shit out of you." I say. This was us. We were just 2 best friends, laughing and giggling about random shit, and sometimes threatening each other.  

"Ok, but now we move into the next phase," says Tara

"And what would that be" I replied giggling. Now, I was on my 10th bottle of beer and had thrown a couple of shots in there as well,  so I was drunk out of my mind. 

"Well, I took it upon myself to find you a job and booked an interview for some large company. I made you apply for a P.A position. It was quite fun pretending to be you." Tara says, also giggling "And do you know what P.A stands for?" asks Tara

"Yeah, it means party animal!!!!" I say turning up the music.

"No idiot. It means a Personal Assistant. So that means, you get to be the Personal Assistant of Mr. Sexy, a.k.a your boss. You better impress him."

"I like the sound of being Mr. Sexy's Personal Assistant. But I could also be Mr. Sexy's party animal. If you know what I mean"

Now, you might also want to know, when I'm drunk, I can act 2 ways, like a 5-year-old child or someone who thinks they're the sexiest person alive. Right now, however, I'm both. 

"Yeah, and the boss is really hot, so got get cute for your interview" Tara replies, before falling off the couch.

"Like, really hot, or smoking fire hot?" I ask

"Both" and again we laugh

I laugh so hard that I fall off the couch too. And soon enough, we're both laughing our asses off. So hard, I didn't even process the information she had just told me.

"But in all honesty, Steph, it's really good having you around. You're happy now, and I just know that everything is gonna be alright," she says looking at me intently.

But after our little stare down, we both start laughing again.

"To being best friends" I cheer

"To being best friends, I love you sis" replies Tara

"I love you too"

Between the jokes, games, binge-watching of Netflix, drinking, and goofing off like a bunch of kids, it was pretty easy to forget everything that had happened that day. 

And the text messages from Jake and what he thought, quickly faded away from my mind. And soon, I faded away too. 

But when I woke up, my world was about to explode, and I have my best friend to blame for that.


Jake's P.O.V

She thinks she can just walk out and leave me like that. Who does she think she is. She can't just write this bullshit in a letter and expect me to be all lollipops and rainbows. Sure, I've cheated and maybe I hit her once or twice, but it's never bothered her before. At least she never came to me and was like stop. No, she never did that. So who the fuck is she hanging out with that is putting all this shit into her head. I bet it's a boy. It's got to be a boy. We'll see how long that lasts. I'll get her back. And when I do, she ain't ever going back to anyone again, cause she'll be locked up in my room or dead. And if she thinks she's just gonna ignore my messages, she better think again. I'll find her, and when I do, all hell will break loose on her and whoever she's with.


Hey lovies,

I added the Second Chapter a couple of hours after the first. I must say I am pretty proud of myself. I know that this Chapter is kind of short, but I promise, the third chapter will be long. As always comment on what you guys wanna see in the following chapters, what you think so far, or if you just wanna say hi, that's cool too.

Gotta run, byeeeeeeeeeeeee 

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