What Now?

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I sit on the bed, thinking of what just happened. Well, what was about to happen. But then I smelt food, and then when I got a hit of that bacon, I was running down the stairs like a child on Christmas morning. Bacon is literally life. (true fact, anyone that wants to fight me on that can leave)

"Ok Barry Allen, don't trip," says Carter chickling

He puts a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and a pile of pancakes for us to share. It all smelt so good, but the taste was even better. It was like food from the gods. As I was enjoying my food and talking to Carter my phone rang. Tara. So now she has the decency to call me. 

"Hello," I say

"Heyyyy girllll. So I'm gonna be at the house soon and give you a pair of keys so you can always have em, alright. Oh my god, you will not believe the night I had. It was amazing, and the guy was capital H.O.T." she continues to babble on about how great the guy was and how great the sex was too

When she finishes I reply "Yes, thank you, Tara, I'm doing quite fine and I managed not to get kidnapped, thanks for asking," I say sarcastically

"Oh shit, I'm sorry about that. Did you stay at Jake's or a hotel or something" she asks

"Nah, I stayed at Carter's" I reply

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You stayed at Mr. Sexy's place. So tell me, how was it" she says

"How was what," I said confused

"The sex you dumbass, how was it with Mr. Sexy?" she says impatiently 

"We didn't have sex you idiot, is that literally all that is on your mind," I say. I notice Carter stifling a laugh and I flip him off, only to cause him to laugh even more

"Well, that's a shame. Oh well, I shall see you at the house in a bit then. Bye, sissy." she says and then hangs up the phone. I put the phone down on the table and notice Carter staring at me. 

"What," I ask

"Nothing, it's just that your friend thinks that we fucked and we just met. So tell me, in all honesty, would you?" he says

"Would I what?" I ask, once again confused. Honestly, I feel like I'm always confused.

"Would you fuck me?" he says

I nearly choked on my eggs. 

Yes, I definitely would

No, you wouldn't shut up. Your boss is not gonna take your virginity.

"What?! Pft, no. No way. Carter, we just met like yesterday. And I want to do that with someone who actually cares for me and isn't gonna just take it and go. Aren't you the fuck em' and leave em' type anyway?" I say laughing

"I was uh- only joking. And I'm offended that you think of me that way. Sure, after my ex-fiance cheated on me I was hopping around from girl to girl. But I'm gonna stop that. I met someone, and I think she's special and I don't wanna hurt her like that. It's cruel." he says

"OOOOHHHHHH!!!!" I say imitating Tara earlier "You met a girl. I see how it is. You tryna change for her so that she'll like you like that. I'm gonna have a mom moment" I say, pretending to tear up

"Oh Lord" he replies

"I'm so proud of you Carter. Changing for someone is so hard. You must really like this girl. Oh, they grow up so fast." I say fanning myself and pretending to wipe tears from my eyes

"You are one of the weirdest girls I have ever met," he says looking at me with amusement 

"Why thank you, kind sir, my weirdness is one of my best qualities" I reply smiling

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