The Fort

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Steph's P.O.V

Right now, the sun is peering in through the windows and there are a bunch of feathers all over the room. Why? Oh, that's because Carter decided to smack me in the face with a pillow to wake me up, so I hit him back. Resulting in what we have now, a full blown pillow fight.

"Surrender!" Carter yells

"Never!" I say, hitting him square in the face with a pillow.

Back and forth we were hitting each other with the pillows. However, luck was really never on my side, so my last pillow burst while Carter's was still perfectly fine.

"Shit." Was all I could say

"Your dead now," he says, launching towards me.

"Abort mission! Abort mission!" I yell, running out the door. I run down the stairs, Carter still within my sights and hide in a near by closet. I wait a little while and slowly climb back up the stairs and head back to our room. Not even a second after I feel a hand on my mouth, muffling my screams.

"You should have known you wouldn't have gotten away so easily," Carter says, lightly throwing me on the bed.

"Payback time," he says

"No, please I'll surrender." I say

"Too late for that princess," he says and starts to tickle the life out of me.

"M-m-mercy!" I manage to get out

"I'll need something in return for letting you go," he says

"Deal," I let out, trying to catch my breath.

"Fine," he says, getting off of me

"Jesus you're heavy," I say

"What was that? You wanted me to tickle you again?" He says

"N-no. Did I say you're heavy? My bad I meant umm 'are you hungry?' Yea. That's what I meant!" I say, quickly trying to save myself before I get killed again.

"Mhmmm," he says, clearly knowing what I actually said.

"Come here," he says, arms wide open.

I was hesitant at first until he said, "I'm not going to tickle you." With that, I gladly make my way over to him.

"So, are we going to clean up this mess anytime soon or..." I say, breaking the silence.

"Babe, what do you think I have maids for?" He says

"Uhhh, to clean up after you?" I say as more of a question than an answer.

"Exactly," he says

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in," Carter says

"Steve!" I say happily

"Good morning Ms. Ryder," he says

"I told you to call me Steph," I say

"What's your reason for bothering us Steve?" Carter says

"Don't be so rude," I say

"Sorry," he replies, rolling his eyes

"Right. I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready downstairs," Steve says

"Thank you, now leave," Carter says

"Right away sir," and with that, Steve leaves

"You know, I might end up firing him," Carter says

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