Changes Part 2

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Thursday Morning 

"Can you at least tell me what you did."


"Why not?"

"Cause I fuckin said so"

"Well at least tell me what you said" 

"Ummmmm, how about, also no"

"C' mon Tara, I need to know what you said or did so I can prepare myself" 

Right now, I was trying to get Tara to tell me what the hell she went off and did yesterday. Of course, the damn girl wouldn't tell me squat. 

"Relax, not like I killed somebody. Although I might, depends on what happens today" she said casually

"WHAT?! Kill someone, Tara what on earth did you do" 

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it. Now go on, off to work or you're going to be late" She was right, if I didn't leave now my ass would definitely be late

"Sometimes, I hate you," I say walking out the door

"But you know you love me" she yelled back 

Time for work, I'm so excited. Kill. Me. Now


I walk into the building, everything seems normal. You've got you're fake bitches in one corner trying to come up with ways to get Carter, then you've got the busy-bodies, ones that actually want to do their damn job and the clients who will be meeting with Carter today. 

I take the elevator up and realize that if I don't punch in soon, Carter will know that I'm late for sure. I rush out of the elevator and bump into someone, instantly falling to the ground. 

"Shit, I'm so sorry," I say as I help him pick up the papers I made him drop

"It's fine, don't worry about. You should probably go punch in before Carter notices you're late, you got one minute to spare," he says with a smile

"Shit, you're right," I say getting up quickly, "I'm sorry again" I yelled running down the hall. I make it to my door, throwing it open and slamming it right behind me. I punch in with literally 10 seconds to spare. Then I hear a knock on my door. 

"Hey, again," says the guy from the hallway "You dropped this," he says holding up my phone. 

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much," I say running to him

"It's no problem. I'm Brad by the way" he says, holding his hand out for me to shake

"Stephanie, but everyone calls me Steph," I say taking his hand to shake

"So, you're the new P.A everyone is talking about," he says

"Yep, that's me," I say with jazz hands

"Interesting, I work in the I.T Department, so if you need any computer help, I'm your guy," he says with a smile. 

"Good to know, I'll keep that in mind" I reply 

"I should probably let you get back to work, maybe we could do lunch today?" he asks

I was about to reply, but Satan himself had to interrupt. 

"She'll be spending her lunch with me. Now leave before I fire you" he says sternly to Brad. Brad gathers his things and runs out the door, obviously terrified that he might get fired. 

I go to close the door, expecting Carter to be back in his office, but of course, the devil is still standing here. 

"Do you need something, Mr. Mason?" I ask quietly

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