Put In Her Place...For Now At Least

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Steph's P.O.V

I hear the doorbell ring at 6:30 sharp. If Carter was anything, he was a very punctual man.

I open the door to reveal Carter, looking just as dashing as usual. He was wearing:

 He was wearing:

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"Damn," he says

"What? Does it look bad" I ask, instantly getting self-conscious

"No, no. You look, amazing" he says

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I say

"Um, these are for you," he says, handing me a bouquet of flowers

"Awe, you didn't have to," I say taking them and smelling them

"I know, but I wanted to," he says with a smile

"Let me just put the flowers in a vase and we can be on our way," I say, he nods in agreement and waits for me as put the flowers in a vase. I then walk back to the door where Carter is.

"Shall we?" he asks, holding his hand out to me.

I put my hand in his, "We shall" I say with a smile

The car ride contained the usual. Us singing and laughing like complete idiots. Half an hour later we pull up to the venue where the charity event is being held. We get out, Carter tossing the keys to his car to the Valet and takes my hand in his.

"I'm sorry about all the photographers" he whispers in my ear

"I told you before, it's ok, everything comes at a price right. So if in order to date you I have to deal with a million cameras flashing in my face majority of the day, then it's worth it" I say looking at him with a smile

"You're too cute," he says with a chuckle, kissing me on the lips slightly

We get inside and get to our table. By some miracle, Lucifer and Tara were at our table, so at least I would have someone to talk to

"Damnnnnn girl. Since when could you dress?" says Tara

"Bitch, fuck off," I say with a laugh

She was wearing:

She was wearing:

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