Way Too Hungover

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Stephanie's P.O.V 

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes. I having a pounding headache and I feel like absolute shit. I try to get up, only to be pulled back down by strong, muscular arms. Oh well, guess I'm gonna go back to sleep.


Strong, muscular arms. I don't have a boyfriend. Who the hell is? And where the fuck am I? I look down to see that I'm wearing a T-shirt that is too big and not mine. What the hell is going on? And why can't I remember anything? Because you're hungover dumbass. Oh, right. I remember going to the bar with Carter and talking and that's all I remembered. I turn to look at the person who's holding me.

Holy shit. It's Carter. And he's shirtless. Oh. My. God. Did we- No, there's now way. He's cute when he sleeps though. Only slightly snoring. Wait, what? Shut the fuck up. That's your boss, you idiot.

I finally pry Carter's arms off of me and go to the bathroom. After I'm done I open the medicine cabinet that is above the sink to see if he has aspirin or something to ease this fucking headache. Let's see, shaving cream, band aids, some weird hair gel thingy, and there it was folks, in all its glory, an Advil bottle.

I open it, only to find it's... EMPTY!

What the actual fuck. Now I'm mad (Ok, so I can be a bit dramatic at times, and this is one of those moments)

I start rummaging through the draws, looking for any type of pain killer at this point. My head felt like someone was beating me in the head with a hammer, while my body felt like it was being hit by a train, over and over again. Giving up, I march back into the bedroom and hit Carter with the pillows until he wakes up.

"Whaaaattttt. Come back to bed and cuddle with me" he says in a very sleepy voice.

"Carter, wake" smack "the" smack "fuck" smack "up" smack. I say frustrated.

"No, I wanna sleep" he replies pulling me down next to him

"Yea, and I want some Advil. But you have an empty bottle in your cabinet, so looks like we both ain't getting the things we want. Now can you please find me something for my headache. And stop squeezing me so tight, I can barely breathe." I say

"Jesus, so demanding," he says, finally getting up

I sit up in the bed, wondering about what actually happened last night. Like how did I get to Carter's place, and why am I in his T-Shirt?

After what seems like 5 years, Carter finally comes back with an Advil and a glass of water

"Took you long enough," I say grabbing both from his hands

"Well someone's not a morning person" he chuckles

After a few minutes, my headache goes away, and my body doesn't ache as much. I didn't even realize that Carter was staring at me until now.

"Uh, is there something on me," I ask looking at my skin

"No, uh it's nothing" he replies quickly

"Can I ask something?" I say, turning my body to completely face him

"Yea, go for it," he says looking at me

"What happened last night. Did we um, you know" I say completely embarrassed

"No, we didn't have sex Steph." Why does he sound so disappointed? "We were at the bar drinking and talking and somehow the paparazzi found us and started to take pictures of us together. Meaning that we are gonna see some new rumors floating around with people thinking you're my girlfriend. Anyway, after I realized they were there, I grabbed your hand insisting that we leave, but of course, you had to finish your drink." he says chuckling "Then when I asked where you lived, you said you were going back to Jake's because Tara wouldn't be home. And after you had told me what happened between you and him I couldn't let that happen to you again. So I brought you here. You fell asleep in the car and I carried you in. I realized that you probably wouldn't sleep comfortably in your work clothes, so I put one of my T-shirt's on you and then took your dress off. Don't worry, I didn't see anything or violate you in any way. I would never do that to you. Then I changed and passed out right next to you" he says

"Ohhhh, ok good," I say relieved. I was deadass so scared that I lost it to my boss. Not that you would mind. Shut the fuck up brain. This is your boss. Be professional for once.

"I'm sorry if I violated you or offended you in any of the actions I took last night. I just didn't want you anywhere near that asshole you call an ex-boyfriend." Carter says

"No, No. You didn't. Thank you for taking care of me. I can be a lot to handle sometimes." I say

"Ok, good. And don't worry about it. I liked taking care of you." he says with a smile

"Anyway, what time is it?" I ask

He checks his watch. "12:37. Why?"

"12:37. Shit, I'm late for work." I say jumping off the bed. Before I can make it very far, Carter pulls me back.

"I'm your boss, remember. I called both of us out sick today when I went to get your Advil," he says laughing

"Dude, it's my second day and I'm already out sick. That's just fucked up." I say relaxing

"True, but now I get to spend the day with you. The non-drunk version. Although, drunk Steph is very fun to be around." he says chuckling

"Fuck off," I say hitting him with a pillow. He hits me back. Next thing you know, we're in the middle of a pillow fight. We keep hitting each other back and forth, playing around like little kids. He hits me so hard I almost fall off the bed. Almost. But he grabs me just in time.

And now I'm on top of him.

And now we're looking at each other.

And I'm looking at his lips.

And he's looking at mine.

And I'm leaning in.

And he's leaning in.

And then the doorbell rings, bringing us both back to reality.

"I should get that," he says as I get off of him

"Yea" I whisper

My boss was about to kiss me. And I was about to kiss him. And then the fucking doorbell rang.

Wait. What? He's my boss, wake the fuck up.


Yes, I am alive. I'm really sorry for not updating. As always, comment and vote. And feel free to give me any suggestions on what you think should happen next.


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