Changes Part 1

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Wake up. Go to work. See Carter. Don't talk to Carter unless it's in a meeting. Do your paperwork. Wish Carter goodnight. Call a taxi. Go home. Lock yourself in your room. Repeat. 

This was my day literally every day for a month now. 

I felt like it was my fault. Why I don't know. I just feel like somehow I caused me and Carter to not be able to talk to each other. But then again, I had it ingrained in my head that everything was my fault from ever since I was little, so maybe that's why I felt this way. 

It's Wednesday. I should be at work, but I called in sick so now I'm sitting on my bed feeling sad. I guess it was okay to say that I was a bit depressed. I was deep in my thoughts when all of a sudden Tara burst in.

"Alright, you've been like this for a month now. What the fuck is going on with you. And don't tell me that you're fine and that nothing is wrong because you and I know that is a huge ass lie so start talking" she says

"Well hello to you too," I say in reply

"Steph, I'm not joking. What's going on?" she says calmly sitting down on the bed

"I-it's just- I mean" I couldn't really explain it

"Let me guess, it has something to do with Carter," she says matter of factly

"What-pft-no, why would you think that- or even have that idea" I stutter

"Steph, you're a terrible liar and I can see right through you. Ever since you came back from your lovely hang out you've been all depressed. Please tell me what happened"

I went through all of the details, smiling back on the memories that were made that day. "...and then we kissed, he drove off and then the next morning we barely talked and it's been that way for a month now," I say with a sigh

"Wait, wait wait. Hold up, pause, re-fuckin-wind. Ya'll kissed?! And why the fuck wasn't I informed of this? This is major you dipshit" she yells

"I'm pretty sure it was a mistake, probably why we don't talk anymore. ANd to make matters worse, I think I might like him, like like him like him. But I got no chance as usual" I said sadly

"Mistake, what? No chance? How could-Oh man I'm gonna-Ugh wait here and don't fuckin move" she instructed

I whispered an ok and went back to being depressed 


Tara' P.O.V (Sup bitches, my turn to speak)

Steph told me what happened. So of course, being the amazing ass friend that I am, I was going to make things a bit better for my bestie, because that's just what I do. 

I called a taxi to, guess where Mason Enterprises. I didn't care what happened, even if it was the last thing I did, I was gonna give Carter a taste of his own medicine. Time to go yell at his ass, this is gonna be fun

"Hi, how may I help you" the lady who was I'm guessing his secretary said

"I'd like to speak with Mr. Mason please" 

"Ok, do you have an appointment"

No "Yes" I lied 

"Alright, take the elevator to the 15th floor and a lady named Vanessa will direct you from there" she replied sweetly. Gotta love old ladies. I thanked her and made my way to the elevator.

I realized that I didn't quite fit in with this scenery since everybody here was either in suits and ties or some type of work attire and then you had me who was in sweats and a t-shirt. 

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