You're Fun to Be Around

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Right now, I was literally dying of laughter. Carter had taken us to get ice cream of course and then after we went to the fair about an hour's drive away from my place. We were heading to a diner because as usual, I was hungry, but of course, we had to get stuck in traffic. So Carter put the music on really loud and was singing and dancing, it was hilarious. Especially when Sweet But Physco came on, I was dying of laughter.  

For somebody who is always so uptight, he is actually fun to be around. But damn the boy loves to spend his money like it's nothing. When we were at the fair we did this water gun thingy, and I couldn't shoot for shit but he kept buying the games till I gave up and went to the bathroom. When I was done, I saw Carter with the bear I had wanted. I wanted to die. He actually won the damn game just to get me the bear. I posted it on my insta cuz I was so happy.

 I posted it on my insta cuz I was so happy

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steph.ryder Thank you to @ carter.mason for the Teddy Bear I love it 

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He didn't know, but I figured him out already. He's the guy that just wants to be him sometimes, without all the expectations of being Mr. CEO and blah blah blah. Sometimes he just wants to be let loose. But don't we all?

"I swear, I should be a famous singer," Carter says

"Oh yeah, totally. You'd get a million hits in like seconds" I say laughing 

"Bitch I know, none of the ladies would be able to resist all of this," he says jokingly 

"Yea sureeee," I say 

But he was right. Nobody could resist him unless they were like lesbo or something. Or just plain dumb. Like he had the body of a fuckin God. Bruh, that's ya boss the fuck is wrong with u? Doesn't mean  I can't think he's hot. Actually, yes. Yes, it fuckin does. Shut the fuck up brain, no one asked for your input. 

"Alright. We're here," he says as he parks the car. It was a cute little diner. (Think of Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe from Riverdale. <<<< Not the actual name of the diner, just saying that's what it looked like) We went in and got seated. I was starving so of course, I order a lovely burger and cheese bacon fries because those are the best. (They are, if you disagree, you can see ya way outta here) Carter order basically the same thing, we both had desert, talked about random shit, and of course, who had to show up, the paparazzi. Being a famous CEO must be hard, cause you always have the paparazzi up your ass. As soon as we finished, Carter paid, because he literally wouldn't let me and we hopped back into the vehicle and started driving. 

"Sorry about them," he said

"Eh, it's alright. I'll have to get used to it, right?" I say

"Yeah, but I'm sorry they're always around, They can be really annoying at times," he replies

"Eh, no worries. All good." I say. "Now, music timeeeee!!" I say putting on the radio and turning it up. 'High Hopes' by Panic! at the Disco was on, so of course, we both went insane. I swear, if you looked at us without hearing the music, you would think we were insane. 

--------------Time Skip (5hrs)------------

So after the diner, Carter insisted on taking me clothes shopping so that I'd have more things to wear to work. Then we went to go get milkshakes at Carvel. Then we went to a gaming place and fucked around a little and now we're in the car driving. This was nice. I liked this. Just driving in the car, music playing softly in the background, just enjoying each others company. Doing this, I got to think, about literally everything that's happened in my life so far. No doubt my life has changed since I met Carter. And I know, maybe it's too early to be sure that I like liked him, but I was glad I could at least call him my friend, I think. Carter can be a confusing man at times. Since it was pretty late and we both had work tomorrow, Carter decided to drive me home. When we got outside the house he parked the car and turned to look at me. 

"What, is there something on my face?" I ask

"No- uh, nothing" he stammers

"You alright?" I ask concerned

"Yea, I'll walk you to the door. If that's alright with you" he says

"Yea, of course," I say. I get out. Taking my new Bear with me. I loved teddy bears ever since I was little, so getting this one literally made my day. 

"Today was fun." He says

"Yea, it was. You're actually fun to be around" I say

"Well, what's that supposed to mean," he says playfully offended

"Well, you're the CEO of a big company, so not many people expect you to be fun and stuff. Most people, like myself, expect you to be an uptight asshole, no offense" I say

"Ahhh, ok. I got you." he says "I should probably let you-"

"Oh My God, you're alive," says Tara, opening up the door. "Holy Shit! That bear is huge," she says with wide eyes

"Yea, um Carter got it for me when we were at the uh fair," I say

"Ooooooooo reallyyyyyyyyyyy?" she says

"Yes, can you just take this inside and I'll be right in" Isay throwing the bear at her, shoving her inside and closing the door

"Sorry about that," I say to Carter

"All good" he replies "I should probably let you get some sleep, we've got some important interviews to go to tomorrow, so I'll need you at the top of your game," he says

"Yea, yea of course. Goodnight then. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yea goodnight" as he says this I turn to open the door

"Wait, I forgot something" I instantly turn around about to ask what he forgot when I feel a pair of lips on mine


So, I haven't updated in forever, but there ya go. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thx for reading

~ G

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