Please Don't Leave Me

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Hey guys! Song for this Chap is Please Don't Leave Me by P!nk. Enjoy!

Carter's P.O.V

You ever feel like your world is falling apart and there's nothing you can do to stop it? Like, you try your hardest to keep it together, but all you want to do is yell and scream and curse everyone and everything in sight around you?

Well if you have, then you know exactly how I'm feeling right now. It's been hours. Hours, I tell you, since I've heard anything about Steph. To say I was worried was an understatement. "She'll make it," I try to convince myself. But with every minute that passes by, the less I start to believe myself.

"Ok, what is taking so long? Why can't we have an update by now?" I ask the nurse

"Sir, we will give you an update once we have one," she says calmly

"Well, I want one now!" I yell, slamming my hand down on the desk

"Carter. Carter. Relax. You're causing a scene," Brad says bringing me back to my seat

Sitting in silence for about 2 minutes, Tara gets up, clearly frustrated.

"Ok, this is ridiculous. It's been hours, there should be an update by now," she says to the same nurse

"Ma'am, I understand your concern but-," the nurse starts

"No, I don't think you do understand my concern. That's my best-fucking-friend you have had in surgery for hours and you're telling me you don't have a mother fucking update as yet? If you understood you would get me an update right the fuck now!" Tara yells as the nurse

"Ok, Tara. I need you to calm down ok?" Brad says

"Yes, I agree all of you need to calm down," the nurse says. Dear God, this nurse was really asking for trouble

"Calmez-vous? CALMEZ-VOUS?! Personne parmi vous ne me dit de calmer la baise! Aucun de vous ne peut me dire ce qui arrive à mon meilleur ami en ce moment, donc aucun d'entre vous n'a le droit de me dire de calmer la mère en train de baiser!" she yells

"Does anyone know what she's saying?" the nurse asks, still taken back by Tara's outburst

"She said, calm down? CALM DOWN?! Don't anyone of you tell me to calm the fuck down! Not one of you can tell me what's happening to my best friend right now, so none of you have the right to tell me to calm the mother fucking down" Brad says translating

"Tara, no amount of yelling or screaming at these people is going to get anything out of them. We're just going to have to wait this one out," I say to her in defeat

"Wait this one out?" she says walking over to me and sitting down "How can you say that? The last time I waited something out, my fiance kidnapped my best friend. So excuse me for not wanting to wait this one out," she says

"Tara, think about it. If we rush them, a number of things can go wrong. We don't have a choice in this one," I say to her

Realizing I was right, she slumps back in her chair. "I just, don't want to lose her, Carter," she says

"Neither do I. I love her to death," I say

"Yo Carter, I apologize for interrupting the sad moment you and my sister are having, but my phone is dead and I'm hungry but refuse to eat hospital food, can I borrow yours to find a place to get food?" he asks

"Yeah sure," I say unlocking it and handing it to him

"Aww, that's a cute picture of her you have of her," he says, referring to my wallpaper

"Thanks," I say, closing my eyes

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." Brad says, causing both me and Tara to shoot up

"What?" Tara and I say urgently at the same time

"You were- Oh my God- When? Where? How?" he says

"Brad, can you speak some mother fucking English or not speak at all?" Tara says

"He- You was going to- Oh my God," he starts again. Fed up of not being able to understand what he was trying to say, Tara snatches the phone out of Brad's hand and looks at it with wide eyes

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." she says, looking at me and then my phone screen again

"I am very confused at what the hell is going on," I say

"You were going to propose?!" she yells

"For fucks sake, Tara, can you scream any louder?" I ask taking my phone from her

"Yes I can. Want me to demonstrate?" she asks with a smile

"No, I'm good," I say

Tara's P.O.V

"But, for real. You were going to propose?" I ask

"I was thinking about it. Kind of wanted to cuff her for good before someone else stole her from me," Carter says

"Brad? You good there bro?" I ask my brother who looks at a lost for words

"I-I-I-," he starts

"Yeah, I'll take that as a 'no' then," I say

"Oh my goodness though, you were going to propose!" I say happily

"Yes, I was. Thank you for letting the whole hospital know," Carter says sarcastically

"No problem, Carter. Anytime," I say with a laugh

Before either one of us could say another word, we see the doctor from earlier come towards us.

"Is it me, or does he look not too happy?" Brad asks

"Mr. Mason?" he says to Carter

"Yes," Carter says quickly

"Your wife is going to be ok. Right now she's in a medically induced coma but should wake up shortly. However, her injuries were extensive, so she's going to have to take it easy for the next few months. I must warn you though, there is a chance she might not wake up. Would you like to see her now?" he asks

"Yes. Yes, I would," he says. All of us follow Dr. Smith to Steph's room and see her lying there peacefully.

"Oh, my baby. My poor beautiful baby," Carter says, taking her hand in his and kissing it with tears running down his cheeks.

"Hey, Steph. I-I don't know if you can hear me or not, but if you can, I just want you to know that I'm here. I'm not leaving. I promise. I'm right here, Steph. You just gotta wake up. Please wake up, Steph. I need you. We all need you," I say, tears running down my cheeks

"Hey girl," Brad says "I need you to be the badass you are and wake up. I need you to come back to us. I don't know if anyone of us will be able to function properly f you leave us, Steph. So you gotta fight this, Steph. Fight like the badass bitch you are," Brad says, tears running down his cheeks as well

"We'll leave you two alone," I say

Carter's P.O.V

"We'll leave you two alone," Tara says

"Thanks," I say quietly. Wiping my eyes, I look at Steph.

"Hey, baby. I'm not sure you can hear me, but I need you to come back. Everything that Brad and Tara said is true. I don't think I'll be able to function properly if you leave me, Steph. I need you in my life. I want us to do all the cliche shit we walked about. I want us to grow old together and have a big house, maybe 600 kids. Please wake up, baby. Please don't leave me. I need you. You have no idea how fucking much I love you, baby. How much I fucking need you. Please wake up," I say 


Kind of a short chapter, but another one soon to follow! Have a lovely day guys! <3

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