That Bitch Is Everywhere

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I backed up into to something, or someone for that matter.


This bitch just seems to be everywhere

"Oh well if it isn't Miss Stephanie Ryder. The whore who stole my man," she sneers "Wait, did he actually propose to you. You guys marriage won't last long. I give you guys a year, not even," she says with a laugh. Man do I hate this bitch.

"Steph, where did you- oh well if it isn't the whore of the year," Tara says, seeing Anastasia

"And who the fuck are you, bitch?" Anastasia asks

"Persephone Tara Mother Fucking Vuitton you hoe," she says looking at Anastasia. "So do is all a favor and go, no one really likes the idea of your presence anyhow," she continues. Just as Tara is about to walk away, she takes notice of Anastasia's handbag. "Oh and by the way bitch, that's my company's bag you Connard!" And with that she drags me away with her.

"God I hate that bitch," Tara says

"How do you think I feel then," I reply

"I just don't get it," Tara says

"Don't get what?" I ask

"Why she's so hell bent on making your life a living hell because your with Carter. If she didn't go whoring around, then her and Carter would've been together. So why the hell is she so mad at you. You had nothing to do with them breaking up. She acts like you were his side hoe at the time and the engagement broke off because he cheated, when it's literally the other way around. So what the fuck does she have against you?" Tara wonders

"I don't know what she has against me to be honest. I didn't even know she existed until she showed up at the office that day," I say

"Hey guys!" Says a very excited Brad

"Brad!" Tara and I both say

"Long time no see ladies," he says

"Dude, we saw you yesterday," I say

"True, but that was soooooo long ago," he says "How's dress shopping? She turn into a bridezilla yet?" He asks

"Well she was waving a knife around and scared Carter half to death today at the house when I wasn't there to go dress shopping so freaking early in the morning," I say

"Ah I see," he says

"Don't worry sis, we're here for you. No need to wave a knife around like a madman and scare Carter," Brad says squeezing her shoulder

"Oh jee, thanks. Who knew the big bad wolf would be scared of a knife though," she says with a laugh

"You did look crazy though," I say. Tara then glares at me

"C-crazy about your wedding. Because your so so excited," I say trying to save myself "Ok, I'm gonna go look over here now," I say. Walking over to another rack of dresses. Brad then walks over to me.

"How's you and Carter?" He asks

"Pretty good," I say "Brad?"

"Steph," he replies

"Don't you have a girlfriend? Like don't get me wrong, I love your company, but don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask

"Nope, got my two favorite ladies right here," he says with a smile

"But seriously bro, you need to find you a girl. You can't exactly bring Steph to the wedding as your date because Carter will lose his shit," Tara says 

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