I'll Be Waiting

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Song for this chap is "I'll Be Waiting" by Adele. Enjoy!

Third Person's P.O.V

Day One:

"Hey baby, so I'm back. I went home to take a shower. Kind of had the hope you would be up by now. But take your time, just not too much time. You know I love you right? I'm going to be here. I'm not leaving. I'll be waiting right here for you to wake up. And then after that, I'm never leaving you alone again. Never again, baby, I promise." a sad Carter says with his girlfriend's hand in his.

Day Two:

"Day two of you being a sleepy head. The doctors say you should be waking up any moment now, so I can't wait to see those beautiful brown eyes of yours. Tara and Brad dropped by earlier. We all really miss you, Steph. But I'm not going to rush you. I want you to heal properly so you can go back to be your happy and cheerful self. Just know that I'll be here." Carter says to Steph.

Day Three:

"Hey princess. Been three days since you got here. Is everything alright? Everybody at work misses you and my mom and dad are going to drop by soon. The doctors keep telling me that I shouldn't give up on you, and I'm not, I swear. I just want to know why you're not waking up, that's all. I love you, Steph." Carter says.

Day Four:

"Hi, baby. Today is day four. Joe woke up today. I swear, it took a lot for me to not beat his ass back into the coma he just came out of. I miss you. I miss your laugh and your smile. How you can always find the good in everyone. How you always know what to say. Baby, I need you to come back to me. I feel like I'm losing my mind here without you." Carter says. With each day passing, he was beginning to lose faith that his girlfriend would actually wake up.

Day Five:

"Hey, Steph. Carter here. Tara and Brad are going to drop by soon. Mom and dad are here with me right now. Baby, I need you to come back to me. I can't live without you. I really, really need you to come back to me. If I could turn back time, I swear, I never would have let you go home alone. This is all my fault. And if I could have it any other way, it should be me laying on this bed. Please Steph, I need you." Carter says. His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"Do you think she'll wake up?" Carter asks his mother

"I don't know, son. I don't know." she says to him. It broke her and her husband's heart to see their son like this. So heartbroken and vulnerable.

Day Six:

"Hey there, sunshine. It's been six days, you think you can wake up for me so I can see that lovely smile of yours? Tara and Brad really miss you. We all need you to wake up soon. Remember that time I took you to the fair and I won you that huge teddy bear? It was bigger than you." Carter says with a small laugh. "As soon as you're better, I swear, I'm taking a few months off and we're going to do so many fun things. We'll travel and go places. Or we could stay at home. It doesn't matter to me, I just need you here with me, Steph. I need you in my life."

At this point, Carter was breaking. Sleepless nights and countless fights with people at work, he wasn't sure if he would survive life without Steph. It seemed to be just like he said before "This girl will be the death of me."

Day Seven:

"Hey. So, it's been a week. A week without you and I think I'm going crazy. The doctors say you're healing just fine and you still have brain activity, so you're not brain dead. You're just not waking up. Steph, I know I'm not the perfect guy. I've got issues, more than normal. But you, you find a way to love me with those issues. No one else makes me feel the way you do. Steph, I'm not sure where you are right now. Or if you can hear me or not. But if you can, I need you to come back to me and be here with me. Because I swear to God, I'm going insane."

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