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I rush to the office the next morning to see Carter standing in his office on the phone.  I shrug it off and run to my office.  I was working for about an hour when my phone rang.  

"Hello?" I asked.   

"Steph?" I heard a crying Tara say through the phone.  

"Tara?! OMG! What's wrong?!" I asked her.  One thing to know about Tara, she never cries.  EVER! 

"I'm too... too... too stressed!  Please... ask Carter if you... you can come home and... and help me! I can't do this... alone." She cried through the phone.  I was so worried I yelled, coming, into the phone and hung up.  I packed my shit up and ran to Carter's office.  

"Emergency at home.  Need to go before Tara loses her shit!" I screamed running back out the door.  But Carter grabbed my hand.  

"Let me come too," He said.  I shook my head.  

"She's stressed about her wedding..." I was trying to explain before I got cut off.  

"TARA'S ENGAGED?! TO WHO?!" Carter yelled.  I jumped back and looked at him plainly.  

"Lucifer DeVil,"  I said.  

"DeVil?!" He hissed.  "He's a famous businessman we are partners with.  He... he... he's a good guy personally.   BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDD in the business field.  He's rude and cold and..." "Pretty much like you" I cut in. "Ouch," he says with his hand over his heart. The elevator binged.  And out walked Satan.  

"Tara said she called you.  She sounds upset..." he said as I ran out of the office and to the taxi I summoned. I gave the driver my address and told him it was important so he should step on it. He did just as I asked and luckily we didn't get pulled over. I quickly thank him, giving him a large tip and ran into the house. I hear Tara crying upstairs so I quickly run to her room, where I'm greeted with a crying Tara on the floor surrounded by magazines. She was a hot mess, to say the least. 

"Tara, what's wrong," I say sitting on the floor next to her

"It's just, there are so many dresses, and flowers, and invitations, and where and when is this all going to get done. And what if by the time the wedding comes around Lucifer doesn't want me anymore. And what if-" she rambles on and on until I cut her off

"Tara honey, listen to me ok," I say grabbing her by the shoulders so she looks at me. All she does is nod her head

"We have a lot of time. And I promised you that I was going to be here for you to help you plan it all. Just the way you want it. We just have to take it slow. I know you've said you've always wanted a wedding in December. It's spring, May to be exact. We have around 7 months to get this all planned out. You will be fine, I promise" I say to her

"What would I do without you," she says pulling me in for a hug. Before we could even savor the moment for a little while longer, in come the 2 idiots. 

"Alright, where is she" yells Lucifer as he and Carter come busting through the door. 

"Well thanks for knocking my door off its hinges," Tara says sarcastically

"No problem, anytime," Carter says with a smile

"Is everything all sorted out? Are you ok love? if you don't want to get ma-" Lucifer says but is cut off by Tara

"Don't worry babe, we're still getting married." she says looking at Lucifer "And I know it's going to be perfect because I'll have my best friend with me the whole time," she says while looking at me

"Awwwwwww," I say pulling her back in for a hug "As much as I love hugging you Tara, can we please get off the floor, my legs are falling asleep," I say 

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