Angel With A Shotgun

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(So the song for this Chap is Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab. No Carter isn't walking in there with a shotgun, but if you listen to the song you'll see why I picked it. Enjoy!)

Steph's P.O.V

Right now I was tied to a chair once again. My wrist are in excruciating pain because of how tight they tied the ropes. Raising my head up, I can't see a thing because there is a bag over my head

I really do hope Carter comes to get me soon. You don't think he maybe isn't even trying to find me, right?

Oh my God, has he already moved on?

What day is it?

So many questions were running through my mind, I needed at least the answer to what day it was. Just to keep my sanity.

"Hello?" my voice croaks out. It's barely even audible

"Hello?" I try again, breathing was hurting 10 times worse now, but I took a deep breath and gave it all I got.

"HELLO?" I yell. It was audible. Anyone in the same room as me would have been able to hear me. But was there even anyone with me. Soon enough I hear footsteps.

"Honey, there is someone I want you to meet. Well, you've already met. But let's give you a proper introduction, shall we?" Jake says

There stands Lucifer (Joe), Jake, and...MOM! What the hell is she doing here?

"Mom?!" I croak out

"What are you doing here? Did they take you too?" I ask concerned

"Such a naive little girl this one," she says. Huh?

"What do you mean," I ask. Now my voice is literally almost gone, but I was trying my hardest, even though it hurt like a bitch, to talk. No way in hell would I let these bastards hurt my mom.

"Honey, have you ever asked why you don't look like me or Greg? (that's Steph's mom's husband's name) And why your brother Chase doesn't have the slightest resemblance to you?" she asks

"There's a one out of ten chance that kids don't always look like their parents. Or siblings for that matter." I say

"Let me tell you a little story," my mother says, walking over to me

Since it hurt for me to talk, all I did was nod my head.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl. She had a husband and a son. The girl then became pregnant again, but this time lost the baby. You see, the girl worked at a hospital, and she so desperately wanted another baby, she took the one that she wanted the most. The husband didn't have a problem with that, and the son was too little to even realize what was happening." she says

"Ummm, question?" I say

"What?" my mother snaps

"Why didn't the girl and her husband just make another baby or something? She did it twice before sooooo," I say confused

"You see, the girl couldn't have any more children after losing the last one. So she took the baby from the hospital and raised it as her own. (gettin some Rapunzel vibes rn lol) And the baby never knew a thing, because the girl and her husband never bothered to tell her. Now here's the thing, the girl and her husband are in trouble, financially speaking. So what her daughter is going to do, is convince her boyfriend who's got a lot of money to wire some of it to their account so that the girl and her husband can live comfortably. Better yet, the girl doesn't even have to tell her boyfriend what she's doing, she's just going to do it," she says

"Soooo, if I'm analyzing this the right way, you're not my mom, dad's not my dad, Chase isn't even my brother, you need money and you want me to take it without Carter's knowledge and give it to you?"

"Yes, exactly. Smart girl," she says clapping

"No," I say, cutting her short

"What do you mean no? Watch who you're talking to little girl," she warns

"You're not even my mom, so why the fuck should I listen to you. And besides, after all the shit you put me through, now you need me. Hell no. you can get the fuck out of here with that shit," I spit

To say she was angry was an understatement. Just then, Joe walks in.

"Cous, I see you made it!" he exclaims, giving her a hug


"Cous?" I ask

"Ah yes. You don't know. Joe here is my cousin. Word has it he's going to marry your best friend," Teresa says (that's her mom's name)

"Once Tara finds out what you've been doing she'll never marry you. I'll make sure of it." I spit

"Shut the fuck up," he says hitting me in the head, and with that everything goes dark.

Carter's P.O.V

So I was somewhere. Where? I have no fucking clue. I'm trying to figure that out myself but there's a fucking bag over my head so I can't see shit. Currently, I'm tied to a chair. I pull and tug my the knots won't budge at all.

Hearing footsteps, I stop my movements.

"Carter, my baby. I'm so happy you're here," My God how I wish it was my girl instead of AnaSLUTsia. Speaking of which, I really fucking miss Steph. Her laugh. That smile. The way she bites her lip when she's nervous or blushing. God I'm in love with this girl.

"Oh, how I've missed you. Now untie me, bitch," I say sarcastically

"No can do Carter. You know what I love, other than you?" she asks

"To be honest I don't really give a fuck," I say

"What I love is the sound of that girlfriend of yours. How she screams and begs for mercy as Jake and Tim beat her senseless," she says

"I swear to God, when I get out of these ropes, I'm going to kill each and every one of you for touching my girl." I seethe

"Oh look at you, trying to defend your girl. How sweet," she says.

"Shut the fuck up, would you?" I spit

"Carter, glad you make it!" shouts Lucifer. I knew there was something off about this man. Not only was he terrible in the business aspect of life, but he was a terrible person as well. What the hell did Tara see in this man?


He's the one that took Steph? I'm not saying this is a good thing, but at least it gives me a reason to kill his ass now. I don't like what's mine being taken from me. Anyone who knows me knows that what's mine is mine. And NOBODY touches what's mine.

But what fucking reason does he have to take my girl? He's marrying Tara.

"Where's Steph?" I demand

"Patience, Carter, Patience. It's a virtue you know," he says

"You say you're a man of virtue, but yet you kidnapped an innocent girl to get to me. So virtuous," I snap back

"You know, you must really think you can save her. Little do you know that you won't be able to control anything that is about to happen," he says with a sickening smile

"I'll fight for my girl any day. You touch her and I swear to God you're dead,' I seethe

After being punched around for a bit Lucifer says, "Put him out, and by the way, the name's Joe Valente, not Lucifer," he says

Two guys walk towards me with a needle, I try to move away from them, but it's no use. Soon enough everything goes black. 

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