Something Different

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I wake up at 6 in a really good mood. Was it because Carter and I were a thing or the fact that my best friend was getting married, I have no idea. Last night after Tara and I talked I took a shower and brushed my teeth, hopping into bed at 2 and falling asleep a little bit after that. I was running on 4 hours of sleep but I never felt better in my entire life. I put this on after I shower and brush my teeth: 

And run downstairs to meet Tara who already had breakfast on the table

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And run downstairs to meet Tara who already had breakfast on the table.

"Well someone's in a good mood this morning and ain't bitchy as usual," she says

"Shut up and lemme live," I say eating my breakfast

"I gotta go, don't wanna be late," I say as I grab my phone and keys and toss them in my bag.

"Bye Tee-Tee" I yell out the door. I hope in the cab that's already waiting for me and put my earbuds in. When the cab arrives at Mason Enterprises I hop out the car, pay the driver and walk in, earbuds still in. I was smiling at everyone I saw, what could I say, I was in a good mood.

I'm walking to my office when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh, hey Brad. Didn't know you were right behind me" I say with a smile

"Ha, sorry about that, I was calling your name but you didn't hear me," he says

"Ohh, that's because I was listening to my music, sorry about that," I say

"So, I see you're not rushing down the hall to try and clock in at the last minute this time," he says with a chuckle

"Nope, I'm a changed woman," I say with a laugh

"Oh, by the way, can I get your number?" he says

"Yea of course," I say typing in my number into his phone, he does the same to mine

"I'll let you go now, don't wanna piss Carter off now do we," he says with a smile

"Yea, Lord knows he gets pissed off at literally everything," I say with a laugh. We bid our goodbyes and I walk into my office. Not even 5 seconds later I'm pushed up against the door with a pair of lips against mine.

"Good morning, girlfriend," he says emphasizing the girlfriend part

"Morning, boyfriend," I say emphasizing boyfriend just like he did

"So, what are you up to this fine Thursday morning," Carter asks

"Oh you know, just trying to clock in before my dick of a boss pops a vessel," I say walking past him. Carter soon follows plopping himself in my chair.

"Hey, I was gonna sit there," I say

"You're too slow hun," he says laughing

"Excuse me," I say playfully offended "I'll have you know that I am very fast. Now get your ass out of my chair"

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