The Morning After

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Carter's P.O.V

She's beautiful. She's kind. She's forgiving. She's caring. She's everything I could ever want.

I'll admit, I didn't expect her to believe me, much less even want to see me.

It's currently 9 am, and I'm just laying here on her bed, watching her sleep. Yes, I know very creepy and stalkerish but she was beautiful, even when she slept. She was at peace.

I could hear footsteps outside of her bedroom door, meaning that some of the others were already up and getting ready to start their day. But not me, I wasn't leaving her side. Not now, not ever.

The smell of bacon drifts through her bedroom door, and I'm guessing that is what made her wake.

"Morning," she said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Even in the morning, she was perfect, flawless.

"Morning" I reply, thinking how I go so lucky to have someone like her. "Did you sleep well?" I ask

"Best sleep I've had in a long time," she says with a smile. Jeez, her smile. I loved it. I loved her. I wonder if she heard me last night when I said it. When I said that I loved her.

"Is it me, or do you smell bacon?" she asks

"Yea, I smell bacon," I say

"Well then what are we waiting for, let's go," she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs

"Oh look who finally decided to wake up," Tara said

"Shut up" Steph replies. Yep, there was no one like her. We sit down at the table, where there is a bowl of eggs, bacon, and pancakes already waiting for us.

"So, what's on the agenda for today," Steph asks

"Absolutely nothing. Do whatever you want and whatever you please. I think we should go dress shopping tomorrow instead because Luce has a charity event to attend to tonight" Tara says

"Morning guys," says a half-asleep Brad. When on earth did he get here.

"When did you get here," says Steph, reading my mind exactly

"A little after you went to bed with loverboy over there," he says, pointing in my direction. He sits down and joins us, and we all carry on random conversations like we were one big family.

After breakfast, Tara and Lucifer decide to clear the table and Steph drags me upstairs back to her room, plopping herself onto her bed.

"What do you wanna do today," she asks

"Well, I was going to go back to my place and get a change of clothes and then spend the rest of the day doing whatever you like," I say sitting next to her

"Hmm, whatever I like. So many options" she says

"Yes, lots of options," I say


Steph's P.O.V

After breakfast, Tara and Lucifer decide that they were going to clean up. So I drag Carter upstairs back to my room and then proceed to throw myself on my bed

"What do you wanna do today," I ask

"Well i was going to go back to my place and get a change of clothes and then spend the rest of the day doing whatever you like," he says plopping himself down next to me

"Hmm, whatever I like. So many options" I say, stroking my imaginary beard

"Yes, lots of options," he says with a chuckle "How about I take you shopping," he says

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