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Ok, so you guys have been waiting a while for an update, and I am sincerely sorry about that. However, I'm back! the song for this chapter is Sorry by Justin Bieber. Enjoy my loves! 


"Tara! What's... oh no," he said grabbing hold of Timothy and pulling out the gun he had from the army.

"Me composite el corazón. Yo te amaba. ¡¿Qué nos pasó?! ¿TE CUIDASTE DE MÍ?" I screamed. I was crying now. This shits happened to me twice already. And the first took something I can never get back. (Translation: You broke my heart. I loved you. What happened to us?! DID YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME?!)


Tara's P.O.V

I was furious

I was hurt

I was so many things at this moment, but what could you expect from a man with the name of "Lucifer"?

Looking at him bleeding to death on the floor, I did not pity him. Rather, I pitied myself. Once again, I let a man fool me and make me believe that he loved me. When in reality, all he wanted was what he would gain in return for being married to me. Brad walks over to Carter and Steph and unties them. Letting go of AnaSLUTsia, I walk over to him.

"Tara? How-how could you this to-to me?" Lucifer, or should I say, Joe, chokes out

"Don't you dare make yourself the victim here. You lied to me. About everything! Made me believe that you loved me! All for what? Money?! To make matters worse, you kidnap my best friend! You lock her up like an animal and abuse her! Mentally and physically! How sick are you?! You even cheat on me with this hoe-bag over here," I say, pointing to where AnaSLUTsia is standing, at least, where she was standing

"Where did she go?" I ask

"I-I don't know. I didn't even see her leave," Brad says

"If I can't have Carter then no one can. You don't deserve a happily ever after!" we hear an annoying voice say followed by a gunshot. Looking over at Steph, I see blood pouring from her abdomen.

"NOO!" Carter and I both yell. Instantly, Brad shoots Anastasia as Carter and I run over to Steph as she drops to the ground.

"Baby, I need you to listen to. You're going to be ok. We're going to get you to a hospital," Carter says on the verge of tears

"Steph, you can't die on me now. You can't leave me when I just got you back," I croak out, tears running down my cheeks

"You're a g-good friend. My b-best friend," she chokes out. Turning to Carter, she says, "I love you. I've al-always loved you,"

"Shhh, shhh. Don't talk, baby. Everything is going to be ok. You're going to be ok," Carter says, taking her hand in his. Wiping the tear that was rolling down his cheek, I see Carter's facial expression turn from sadness to anger.

"You!" he says, pointing to Jake who was still being held at gunpoint by Brad "You did this! You just couldn't accept the fact that she moved on and was happy. You had to ruin everything, you had to take the one person I cared about and loved!"

"Life just is-isn't fair, huh Carter?" Joe croaks out. How the hell is this fucker not dead yet?

"Shut your mouth you piece of shit! You cheated on Tara, made a fake name, and kidnapped the girl I love. I should kill you, but I see Tara has already taken care of that," he spits "And you," he says, turning to Timothy, "You couldn't handle the fact that Steph caught you stealing money from the company, thus making you and your father's corporation go bankrupt. So this is what you do? You take the thing that matters most to me?! I swear to God if I knew I wasn't going to go to jail for killing people, I would murder your family in front of you and then kill you too,"

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