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Steph's P.O.V

I wake up, engulfed in large arms. Damn, I could really get used to this, but a bitch is hungry and wants food. I try to pry Carter's arms off of me, and just when I almost succeed, I am pulled against Carter.

"Noooo, stayyy," he whines, still half asleep.

"But I'm hungryyyy," I whine back at him.

"Just five more minutes," he says

'Can you stop squeezing the life out of me then?" I question

"Fine," He loosens his grip and I take this opportunity to break loose.

"Nooooo. come back," Carter whines again

"I'm hungry though, so nope," I say, and then I get hit in the face with a pillow

"Ow!" I exclaim "What the fuck was that for?" I question

"You won't come back to bed, so I threw a pillow at you," he says sitting up

"Meanie," I say sticking my tongue out at him

"I'm the mean one? You're the one who won't come back to bed for 5 more minutes. You deserved that pillow to the face" he shoots back

"Oh well sorry your highness, but I'm hungry and want food, so I'm going to go get me some food whether you like it or not" I say turning towards the door

"Well can you at least give me the pillow back?" he questions

"Nope" I say walking out the door, hearing Carter groan in the process.

I walk down the stairs and see that Carter's chef is already cooking breakfast.

"Do you need any help?" I ask

"No that's alright, I've got it," he replies with a smile

"Alrighty," I say returning his smile and sitting at the table. Soon after Carter approaches, clearly still half asleep.

"Morning Mr. Mason," Carter's chef says

"Morning Steve," he says back

"So, you finally decided to get out of bed?" I question

"I'm not speaking to you," he states

"What?! Why? Is this because I wanted food instead of 5 more minutes with you?" I ask

"Yes. It's because you didn't want to spend 5 more minutes with me," he states

"Oh stop whining like a little girl. What are you, five?" I reply

"Yep. Definitely not speaking to you now" he says. All I do is roll my eyes

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask Carter

No reply

"Hellooooooo. Earth to Carter," I say waving my hand in front of his face

"Miss Ryder, I think he meant it when he said he wasn't speaking to you," Steve says placing my plate down in front of me and then one in front of Carter

"Please, call me Steph. And Carter you're being ridiculous. Stop acting like a drama queen," I say

Still no reply

"You know what, fine ignore me," I say, digging into me breakfast

"So, Steve. What do you have planned today?" I question

"Ummm nothing really, why do you ask?" He says

"Well the thing is, I'm really bored," I say putting on a sad face while getting up and walking over to Steve. I see Carter's looking at me, watching my every move.

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