Isobel and William

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Unknown P.O.V

I watched them through the window. She was telling him everything, and he vowed to protect her with his life. But even Carter couldn't stop what was about to happen.

I've been watching her. Ever since the day I met her, I became infatuated with her. I only wanted her. No one else.

"So, you are positive that this will work. I get my Carter and you get the girl?" Anastasia asks

"Are you doubting me?" I ask her

"N-no sir," she says

"Good. We already have the Randazza's onboard. Jake and I have agreed that you and him will have your fun with her and then she will be mine. As for Carter, I'd like for him to watch as Jake deals with her properly. I want to make sure he feels powerless. After that, then you can have your way with him." I say

"Ok, sounds like a plan," she says

"We've seen her. Carter really does care about her. Are you positive this will work?" Jake asks

"I know that Carter really cares about her you dumbass. Doesn't take a scientist to figure that out. And yes, I'm positive this will work. They will never see it coming." I say, looking at a picture of Steph

"Soon, Angel. Soon I will have you all to myself."

Carter's P.O.V

To say I was angry or furious would be the biggest understatement of the year. I promised her that I would protect her, and make sure that she never gets hurt again. And I was willing to live up to that promise.

Right now, it was early morning and she had fallen asleep in my arms after getting changed out of her work clothes. We watched a movie and shortly after she was fast asleep.

If anything ever happened to her, I don't think I would ever be able to forgive myself.

Steph's P.O.V

I wake up because the sun was coming in through the window, shining directly into my eyes. I look around for Carter, but see no sign of him.

I didn't bother changing out of Carter's sweatshirt and headed downstairs. I saw him in the kitchen in just sweatpants cooking breakfast. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Morning," I say

"Morning. You sleep well?" He asks

"Yeah. I did," I say

"Good, good." He says

"Where's Steve?" I ask

"I told him to take a day off," Carter says

"Ohhhh, ok," I say

We sit down at the table making small talk, trying to figure out what to do with our lives today. We decide on just watching movies and having a lazy day, because what else would two lazy ass people do with their lives. Halfway through the second movie, Carter's phone rings.

"Hello?" He says "Yeah I'm home," "Like right now?" "Later on today?" "How about 7?" "Yea sounds great." "Of course I'll bring her." You've met her before though." "Yep, love you too." "Bye"

"My mom wants us over for dinner tonight," with that, I almost choke on my water

"I'm sorry what?" I ask in disbelief

"Mi madre wanto to meeto youuuu foro dinnerito," he says adding o's at the ends of words to make it another language

"Uhhhhhhh, I don't know Carter. What if she hates me?" I ask

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