I'd Come For You

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(Song for this Chap is: I'd Come For You by Nickelback. Enjoy!)

Steph's P.O.V

Waking up again, I was still tied to a chair, but my head was pounding. There wasn't a bag over my head thank God, but there was a person however right in front of me. From the looks of it, it was a man, but his head was bent down. He had the same figure as Carter. Could it be him?

Taking a deep breath, I try to wake the person up.

"Hey!" I say, but it comes out as a whisper

"Hey!" I say a little louder

"Dude, wake up," I say a tad bit louder

Finally, he stirs and picks his head up.

"Carter?" I whisper scream

"Oh my God, baby are you alright?" he asks, his voice full of concern

"Yea, I'm hanging in there," I say

"God, what did they do to you? You don't even have that much a voice anymore. And when is the last time you te something?" he asks

"They did a lot, resulting in why I don't have a voice anymore. And I don't know when I last ate, to be honest. What the hell did they do to you though? You have bruises all over," I say

"Don't you worry babe, I'm going to get us out of here. As for what happened to me, I really pissed them off by showing up so they beat me up a little and injected me with something. The bruises aren't really a big deal. I'm just happy you're safe," he says

"I'm happy you're safe too," I say

"Something's on your mind. What are you thinking?" he asks

"It's nothing," I say

"Steph, don't-," he starts. Just then, Anastasia, Jake, And Timothy walk in.

"Carter! Steph! Glad you're awake. Now the fun can really begin," Jake says

"Carter, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Ever since that day in your office," Timothy says

Carter's P.O.V

I was pissed. Beyond fucking pissed. But when I woke up to see Steph in front of me, I was slightly relieved.

Then the 3 musketeers had to walk in and ruin everything.

"Carter, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Ever since that day in your office," Timothy says

The fuck is he on about?

"The fuck are you on about?" I say

"Oh baby, just watch," Anastasia says

"Don't fucking call me that. Steph is my girlfriend, not fucking you," I spit

"If I can recall correctly, you have fucked me. Enjoyed every bit of it, if I can recall correctly. But Steph on the other hand, you haven't gotten that far now have you?" she says

"Are you trying to tell me little miss perfect is still untouched?" Timothy says with a laugh

God, I really wanted to punch this man in the face.

"Why, yes actually. Jake never got anywhere. I think that might change though, don't you think?" she says, smiling at Tim and Jake and then at me

"Yes, that is going to change," Jake says

Then, the asshole himself walks in.

"I'm just in time I see," Joe says, he says making small talk with Tim and Jake 

"How ya been Carter?" Joe soon asks

"I'll be much better when I see you surrounded in a pool of blood," I seethe

"Now, now Carter. No need to be mean," Anastasia says

"It's alright baby, not like he can do anything to me anyhow," he says






When Tara gets word of this she's going to flipppppp.

"So not only did you want the company, you're cheating on her as well. Wow, you guys were made for each other," Steph scoffs

"Shut your mouth," Anastasia snaps

"Now, let's begin," Jake says

Half an hour later, I was trying my hardest to get out of the ropes that held me back.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" I yell, yet they kept going

Steph was kicking and screaming and begging them to stop. He was going to take something away from Steph that was supposed to be special. Something that I wanted to take. It almost happened. ALMOST. Until the door busted open.

Tara's P.O.V

With the help of Brad, I finally pieced it all together.

He kidnapped Steph, he abused her mentally and physically.

This was the man I wanted to marry?

No wonder his name was Lucifer. I tracked his phone and found he was in the old abandoned church a few blocks down from my apartment. I snuck in and heard Luce's voice. The voice I loved, the voice I thought cared about me!

"Enough Tara!"I said, scolding myself

I called the cops and told them about my location. I texted Brad and Carter telling them where I was. Carter wasn't picking up his phone, but I could see it was the same location as Lucifer. Thanks to Steph, I was able to track Carter's phone because she tracks him on hers. I pulled out the gun Daddy gave me when I was coming to America from my homeland, France from my waistband and broke down the door.

"EVERYONE DOWN NOW!" I screamed barging in pointing the gun. I grabbed the closest person who was Anastasia. Honestly, I'd shoot her anyway, but I needed her as leverage.

"Luce, release Steph NOW!" I hissed. "Otherwise, The Slut dies."

"Joe, help me! Baby please," Anastasia said to Luce.

"JOE?! LUCIFER'S NOT EVEN YOUR REAL NAME?! AND WHY THE FUCK IS SHE CALLING YOU 'BABY'?" I screamed. I was mad. No, I was more than mad. This man had the audacity to 1- kidnap my best friends. 2- try and MARRY me. 3- was fucking cheating on me with a bitch he knew I hated. And 4 - MAKE A FAKE NAME.


"Here it comes," Steph said, scrambling towards carter to try and untie him

"Vous connard! Comment peut tu me faire ça?! Je t'ai raconté ce qui m'est arrivé au collège. Comment je n'ai jamais pensé que je pourrais aimer encore et mon problème de confiance et vous allez et tirez presque le même étonnement?! Je t'aime! Et tu me fais ça?! Je ... combien de temps tu me jouais?! Et tu veux juste la compagnie de papa! C'est pourquoi vous n'avez cessé de poser des questions à ce sujet un jour! VOUS CUL!" I sneered. I was fuming. I felt my face going red. But then I heard Brad's voice.

Translation: (You asshole! How could you do this to me?! I told you about what happened to me in college. How I never thought I could love again and my trust issues and YOU GO AND PULL ALMOST THE SAME STUNT?! I loved you! And you do this to me?! I... HOW LONG WERE YOU PLAYING ME?! And you just want Daddy's company! That's why you kept asking about it that one day! YOU ASS!)

"Tara! What's... oh no," he said grabbing hold of Timothy and pulling out the gun he had from the army.

"Me composite el corazón. Yo te amaba. ¡¿Qué nos pasó?! ¿TE CUIDASTE DE MÍ?" I screamed. I was crying now. This shits happened to me twice already. And the first took something I can never get back. (You broke my heart. I loved you. What happened to us?! DID YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME?!)


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