Getting to Know Each Other More

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Ok. Is it weird that I'm at a bar, with my boss? He's actually nice. But I guess you don't notice it because he can be an uptight asshole most of the time. I wonder if he's got a girlfriend, I don't see a ring on his finger, so he's not married.

"So, tell me something about yourself. Something that is not work-related," he says

"Uhh... like what?" I ask

"Like, your favorite color or sport or song. Shit like that," he says

"Well, I don't have a favorite color, and I played volleyball and was on the track team in high school, and I don't have a favorite song or genre that I like to listen to. What about you?" I ask

"Practically the same, except I didn't play volleyball or was on the track team in high school. My time was taken up by football and then basketball," he replies

45 minutes later, I'm, you guessed it, drunk outta my mind. But Carter seems to be unfazed by the amount of alcohol he has consumed. Maybe it's because I drank way more than he did.

"So," he says "Tell me your life story," he asks

The memories all come back and a few tears slip.

"I didn't mean to upset, you don't-"

"I cut him off. It's ok. You did want to know something about me that's not work-related. My life is one fucked up story, so be warned" I say

"Ok. Warning taken," he says

"Ok. Let's see, where do I start. Ok, well I was born on July 16th, 1998 in Pennsylvania. I lived with my mom and dad and I have an older brother who's in the army. His name is Chase. I went to public school all my life, and life was pretty good until it was time for me to go to college. My parents wanted me to go to college to become a doctor, like them. I, of course, didn't want to. So we had a huge argument, insults going back and forth, yelling, screaming. My mom and dad had enough and kicked me out of the house. they told me to pack all my shit up and get out. My brother wasn't allowed to speak to me again, and my parents haven't spoken to me since. So, Tara who I went to school with since kindergarten, told me that she was moving to New York, and told me I should come with her. I got a job at the same diner as her and we worked together. I had some money saved up, so I was living in a pretty run down place and with my salary, I was trying to get my life back together. However, I failed miserably. Then, Jake walked into the diner one day. Jake and I started hanging out. And then he asked me out, obviously, I said yes. He was good looking and at the time, he wasn't a physco. He then moved in with me a couple of months later. That's when all the bullshit started. He would cheat on me numerous times with so many girls I would lose count. And every time I tried to leave, let's just say it got ugly. I didn't know how to put on makeup because I was never into it, so I had to do the walk of shame with all of the bruises." At this point, I was an emotional wreck. And before I could continue, Carter intervened.

"Wait, he hit you. Numerous times." he sounded angry. Like really, really angry.

"Yes, and if I tried to leave him he would threaten me with a knife and said that if I even thought about leaving he would find my family and killed them. And as much as I hated them for doing what they did to me, I couldn't risk that. Then the diner went out of business, so I wasn't getting paid anymore and if Jake found out about that he would lose it shit immediately. My salary had apparently signed up to be his drug and alcohol money. I also couldn't leave because I had nowhere else to go. Then Tara came up with the bright ass idea that I should run away and live with her, so I did and then she signed me up for this job and then I got the job and then you took me to this bar and we started talking. And that's my amazingly fucked up life." I say with jazz hands.

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