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I. Couldn't. Sleep. 













My boss, who is Carter Frickin Mason, kissed me last night, then wished me goodnight and drove off.









Ok, I'm being a bit dramatic. But if you were kissed by your boss who is really hot, I bet you would act the same way, so don't judge my ass. 

But now, shit's going to be so confusing, ughhhhhhhhh. Why, Carter, why? 

I decided to wear that, courtesy of Carter himself

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I decided to wear that, courtesy of Carter himself.  

What the hell am I supposed to do though? Like, I'm his assistant, a nobody that he just so happened to give a chance. And he's Carter Drew Mason, big CEO of Mason Enterprises. I don't like him, I can't like him, sure I wanted the kiss to last longer than it did, but it was just a kiss, right? RIGHT?

Holy shit

I think I think I might like my boss. Well shit. 


Carter's P.O.V

What the hell was I thinking? Why did I kiss her? Why did I even offer to take her out yesterday? Why the hell can't I control myself? Why did I kiss her? Why did I make it last for such a short time? Why did I leave her when I could have possibly stayed a while longer? Why did-

"Morning Mr. Mason," she said with a shy smile. I must have made thing weird now, but damn her smile, what no, this is your assistant Carter wake up. 

"Morning Stephanie, ready for the million and one meetings we have today?"

"Ready as uh- as I'll ever be. I'll be in my um- in my office" she says rushing out of mine and into her own. Damn, I really did make things weird, didn't I? Way to go Carter, way to go. 


Steph's P.O.V

Yep, things were weird. I couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore. I'll admit, eye contact was something I was never really good at (in real life, quite true) but I was just starting to get comfortable around him, meaning eye contact, now I can barely even talk to him. Well, a bitch got work to do. The first meeting starts in 10 minutes so, I gotta go, kill me now. 

------------Time Skip to the end of the day-------------

(Still Steph's P.O.V)

So, other than at meetings Carter and I didn't talk at all. And if we weren't at meetings I just locked myself in my office doing work or watching Netflix or a little bit of both. It was 8 pm, a couple of the meetings ran late because some people decided to be late, which of course pissed Carter off, but let's not go into those details right now. I finished all the paperwork I had to do and packed my shit to go home. 

"Goodnight Mr. Mason," I said 

"Goodnight Steph," he said

I left the building in silence and called a taxi to go home


Ik, Ik it's a short ass chapter but things are gonna get a little longer as I continue. As always comment and vote and message me with any ideas you have

~ G

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