Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Tuesday, June 30th


            “Katie! Let’s go outside and play with our dollies!” Rena shouts, even though they’re standing right next to each other. Katie gives me a worried glance.

            “Go ahead. I’ll be fine,” I reassure her. Rena and Ivy are over all day again today, despite having spent the past few days at our house. Katie is worried that I’m feeling left out. A kind thought, but I’m just fine reading Harry Potter. It’s much better than playing “dollies”.

            “All right. Let’s go, Rena!” They bounce out the door. I turn back to my book.

            “Hey Adrianna,” Jane calls walking into the room. “Do you know where Mom keeps the paper towels?” I shake my head. How does she not know that? She’s the one who has been living here all her life. “Okay. Thanks anyway.” She walks into the kitchen, and Ivy follows her, both chatting about petty, everyday things that don’t even start to compare to things Sophie and I would talk about. Like aliens, and magic powers, and our mothers and grandmothers communicating to us from the afterworld.

            Communicating, indeed. Come outside to the alley, storm cloud. I hear my grandmother’s voice inside my mind. I close my book and head outside.

            It’s still morning time, only around ten o’clock, but it is scorching hot. Of course. You can’t expect any different from summertime Arizona.

            I make my way over to the alleyway, trying my best to listen to the small, occasional breezes. I’m so curious about more of my power since the other day when I learned to fly.

            In the alley, I see the ghosts of Mom and Grandma. By the looks of it, they’re arguing, as usual. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Mom catches sight of me and stops talking to Grandmother.

            “Adrianna, you’re back!” she says, opening her arms as if to hug me. Then she realizes what she is, and that if she hugs me I’ll just slip right through her, creeping both of us out, so she puts her arms down to her sides.

            “Do you like flying?” Grandma asks. I nod my head vigorously. “Well, let’s practice! Show me what you’ve got.”

            “But there are hardly any breezes. It’s blazing hot out here!” I say. “How am I going to fly without a breeze?”

            “You’re going to conjure one, and then ride the wind like you’re surfing,” my grandmother says. I give her a look. Then I turn to my mom.

            “Do you have any idea what she’s talking about?” I ask skeptically.

            “Of course!” she laughs, “I’m a weather-power too, remember?”

            “Yeah, but what is Grandma?”

            “Weather as well, little cumulous cloud. We’re all weather-witches here,” Grandma says. Mom gasps.

            “Don’t use that derogatory term, Mother! It’s so rude!” I guess she’s talking about the “weather-witches” comment. I honestly don’t care, but we’re aliens, not really “witches”. Maybe that’s why it’s insulting.

            “I’m sorry, darling. Now, do you want your power lesson or not, Addie?”

            “Yes, yes! Of course!”

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