Perfect Stranger

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Its a chilly Friday morning you stomp through the crumbling snow in your snow boots. Your walking and then your running, sprinting, you want your sandwich. Your sandwich that you ordered 30 minutes ago. You're so close you could practically taste your sandwich and the slimy turkey and the slimy overly shakered buns. Your mind is fogged from the lack of food, sleep, and basic needs of life. You slip on a brick of ice, 

"shitfuck" ,

 you shout as your ankle collapses onto the hard asphalt. You try to stand up, you need your sandwich, but your ankle is broken. All of a sudden a car comes out of nowhere, and screeches to a halt.  A man rushes out of the car, 

"oh my god, I'm so sorry, i didn't see you there." 

Your so overwhelmed and as the man steps closer to you, his features blur, and the world around you goes black...

You wake up in an unfamiliar room, on a bed, that was not your bed. Confused and scared you immediately stand up and make a run for it. To your surprise there is an excruciating amount of pain in your ankle. You fall to the floor, and cry out with tears ripping through your eyes. Almost immediately a man rushes in, his face seems... familiar. The look of concern, was one that you were almost certain you had seen before. All the pain washes away, its just you, and the mysterious man. He gently lifts you back onto the bed, you gaze into each others eyes, long enough for it to become awkward,

"My names Ethan", he says, "you look a bit dirty, you must have slipped on some mud or something, let me go run a shower for you."

A few minutes later, Ethan comes back, and helps you off the bed. He leads you into the bathroom.

"Ethan, I don't think I can take a shower, I cant stand."

"You cant stand what?" He says with a smirk.

"No, i cant STAND, I think my ankle is broken"

"Oh," he says. " No problem, I think I have an idea".

He helps you to the bathroom, and sets you on the counter beside the sink.  He helps you take off your shirt

"Bra too?" he asks trying his hardest not to blush,

"No that's okay I'll leave it on" you say, blushing even harder than him, if that was even possible.

Ethan then carefully pulls off your pants, gentle and tender around your swollen, purple ankle. He pulls you into the shower, careful to balance your weight on your one, good foot. The hot water cascades down your back. The dirt from your... your...

"Ethan?" you ask frantically, "Who am I?"

"What?" he asks more confused than you.

"I cant remember... anything"

"Ah shitfuck" he sighs, "What now?"

You loose your balance, and brace yourself for impact, when he catches you just in time, but it's not before you stand up that you realize his hand is on your ass.

"Oh!" he says quickly letting go, "Lets... get you cleaned up."

Ethan gently massages, what you can assume is his, shampoo and Teakwood scented body wash...

"Oh my god!" you say, "It's hair AND body Teakwood"

"Yeah..." he says quite confused.

He lathers the teak all over your body with the scratchy green loofah scraping over your sensitive skin. Ethan was soaked to the core, his shirt sticking to his defined body, revealing his abs. You felt bad,

"We should probably get to a doctor" 

you say, slightly hoping he wants to stay. 

"Yeah of course" 

He says, sounding discouraged himself, or maybe that was in your head.

He wraps you in a new, fluffy, white towel from the cupboard, and sits you back on the counter. Ethan walks to another room, and you sit there starring at the glass shower, watching the water droplets pool on the floor. You try to desperately to grasp onto any memory of that morning. The only thing you can grasp is utter disappointment in yourself. Who am i?  You think to yourself, where did i come from? Why-

Ethan walks in, holding a t-shirt and basketball shorts. He sets them beside you,

"I'll give you some privacy", he says shutting the door behind him.

You toss aside your soaked bra and panties. You hope that wherever you came from you worked at Victoria's Secret because those were completely ruined. It's commando for now you guess. you pull the red t- shirt over your head. E-gads! it was big enough to be a dress! You pull on the basketball shorts and tuck in the shirt. If i could only find a brush... you thought, wanting to be slightly presentable for Ethan when he comes back. 

Suddenly you hear a creak and the door hits you and you fall, closely followed by Ethan's crushing weight. 

"Oh! Oh my god!" he says, getting off you as soon as possible, good thing he didn't land on your ankle. You groan and roll on your back, 

"Were you right outside the door that whole time?" you ask.

"Uh.. what, no? me? no way... why would you think that?" he says his face redder than a tomato.

He jumps to his feet, and helps you to yours. You notice the growing smile on his face,

"What?" you ask shyly

"Oh nothing" he says, "I just never thought I'd be spending my Friday afternoon with a pretty girl I almost hit with my Jeep"


In response he swoops you up bridal style and carries you to his car.


Authors Note: i was really nervous about this one... its my first time. I've never written a novel before. i wasnt sure how explicit to go on the content so be sure to comment and let me know what you think:)

anyway this is trash but stay tuned for the next chapter...will be published shortly, thank you next.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now