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If I didn't fucking leave that guest house they never would've kissed. It's my fault. And now she's outside my door crying. But why should I care, she doesn't care about me, she cares about herself and Ethan. I shouldn't care, but I do.                                                                                                                      

Why do I care? It was always obvious Ethan had something for Allison, I just never thought Allison felt that way about Ethan. Fuck, I told myself I'd never hurt her, and now she's crying right outside my door. Why do I ruin everything good. But this isn't my fault, it's her fault, and Ethan's!

Allison was good. WAS good, until she kissed my fucking brother. Allison was MY good thing, and now she's Ethan's. Just thinking about all the times I had with her, the long hours that were just her and I, would be her and Ethan now. And yes sometimes things got messy with Ally but it was always playful innocent fighting. This, this was real messy. This was so messy I didn't know how I was going to clean it up.                                                                                                                                                              I should let her back in. We need to talk this through, we can fix this, make it better. I don't want to lose Ally to Ethan but if that means losing Ally all together the least I can do is keep whatever friendship we have somewhat alive.                                                                                                                                         I open the door expecting to find Ally on the floor sobbing but she's gone...and so is Ethan's car. I couldn't help myself from feeling angry again, I wouldn't go as far to say I was jealous, but Ally should be with me right now! Not Ethan! Her and I have bigger problems to workout right now. As for Ethan his head ass can find a new brother because I'm done. He ruins everything good in my life.                                                                                                                                                                                                I lay in bed waiting for them to come back but I end up falling asleep. Let me be clear this is far from normal for me. I'm a grown man I don't need afternoon naps. It's just, I had a really long day, and it got the best of me. So I may have drifted off for a few minutes...wait it's been a fucking hour?! I look through my window and see that Ethan's car is still gone, there is no way he is still out with Ally, where did they go, Africa? I was about to text Ethan when I see his Jeep pull up in the driveway. I thought about running out there but I didn't want to seem desperate for Ally to forgive me, I need her to realize that she's in the wrong this time.                                                                 I was surprised when Ethan was the only person to walk through the door, "Where's Allison?" I ask.                                                                                                                                                                                                

"Oh she left, just like you wanted" he said, tossing his keys in the bowl by the door.

I really didn't want Allison to leave, but I didn't want Ethan to know that, "So we get our house back?" I asked just knowing that was really douchy.

"Yeah, congratulations Grayson enjoy your house" he said noticeably angry from his tone of voice, he walked to his room and disappeared.

What did he mean that she left? Where did she go?  I got more and more panicked and angry that Ally had left, she probably never wants to talk to me again. Maybe that was a good thing, life would finally go back to normal.  I was equally as frustrated at both of them over that kiss, but Ethan's bite was stronger than Ally's, he was not only my brother but also my best friend. I didn't want to get angry like yesterday again, it doesn't help. I decided to just watch survival YouTube videos on my couch, to calm me down until I can think rationally. About an hour into watching someone build a shelter out of bamboo sticks and rope, Ethan walks in,

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now