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The tweet seemed to blow up the second you got on twitter, you scroll down to look at the comments, which were a sea of hate. Your heart is racing, how could this be happening? Why was this happening? While scrolling a notification pops up at the bottom of your screen, Grayson Dolan just tweeted, you click on the banner and your jaw drops as you read the tweet, which was a response to Kendalll02's Tweet,

I was there, and none of that happened.

Automatically thousands of tweets flood in, the attention the picture was getting before looked minuscule compared to this. You watch as the numbers rise faster and faster, without thinking you shout


He runs out of his room, "I know!" he shouts back, looking only slightly less frantic than you.

"Why would you respond?" you groan sinking into the couch,

"She was making up lies!" he says, looking back to his phone, "Should I delete it?"

"No!" you yell, "Definitely not, the damage is done that would make it worse!"

"Let's not panic here" Grayson says, with a clearly panicked expression,

"It's too late for that" you say getting up and starting to pace, phone still in hand. Grayson puts a hand on your shoulder to stop you,

"At least they know she was lying now, that was not cool she deserves it" 

You take a deep breath and nod your head, Grayson was right. He brought attention to it, but it was the good type of attention. Just when you think it's time to put your phone away and wipe your tears, you see a different type of problem start to consume your feed.

The hashtag 'Grallison' was everywhere, when you saw an edit pop up you threw your phone to the couch,

"What now?" Grayson asks, searching your face,

"Now they're shipping us!" you say dragging your hands down your face, this was a mess,

"Why" he groans looking back to his phone, 

"This is all your fault!" you say plopping yourself back on the couch,

"I was just trying to help!"

You groan, "I know!" Grayson walks in front of you pulling his hands through his hair and deep in thought. "Grayson, oh my god Grayson this is so bad." You jump off the couch once again also tugging at your hair. 

"Oh no, what now?" He asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Just...everything!" You throw your hands up in defeat. Life has continuously fucked you over but this was a new low that you didn't think was possible.  "#Gralisonconfirmed is trending Grayson! That's not okay by any means."

"Hey whats wrong with being shipped with me?" He says and you look up to be met with his smile. Of course he was turning this into a joke. But you weren't going to deny a teasing conversation with Grayson.

"Hmm lets see, for starters, you hoard plants, you have some weird kink for survival-"

"It's not a kink." He butts in.

"Mhm." You both laugh, "Not to mention you match your outfits to your blue car!"

"I do not!" He defends himself.

"Grayson, what color is your bracelet?" You smirk. He looks down at his wrist where he had a blue wristband.

"Okay that is completely coincidental." He looks down at his wrist again before bursting into laughter and you follow suit.

"You know what?" You speak up after the laughter dies down, "Its fine, we are doing great, it will blow over. Lets just..." You look around the room briefly before lunging for the remote and frantically sitting down on the couch, "watch YouTube. That always makes me feel better." Grayson quietly shuffles over to the open seat next to you on the couch. He turns his attention to his phone as the TV comes to life with the home page. You scroll through the recommended, hoping to find one of Shane's videos. 

Your attention is certainly grabbed when you see a video with you in the thumbnail. You breath is lost when you read the title Everything wrong with Allison Nicholson. Your hands impulsively act for you clicking on the video. 1.5 million views?  18k likes? 4k dislikes? 10.1k comments? Grayson is quick to catch on to the situation and rips the remote out of your hands. 

"Don't listen to that shit." You think you hear him say. You struggle to find your breath and find yourself stumbling off the couch and into the kitchen. Grayson's voice calling out your name fogs the air as you mindlessly fumble around the cabinets for a glass. You aren't aware of your ragged breath and shaky hands until the glass you were holding for water slips out of your hand. It shatters on the ground into pieces and you squeeze your eyes shut jumping back. 

You feel yourself back into who you assume to be Grayson. 


"Ally! Ally!" I called after her but she wasn't listening, she was staggering her way to the kitchen. I knew something was off and went to go find her. When I enter the kitchen she drops a glass and it explodes, fractures of glass flying everywhere. She backs into me and jumps back, spinning around, when I see the look in her eyes I realize what's going on. It's the exact same look she gave me when I told her it was almost Christmas. Ally was having another panic attack.

I knew I had to stay calm, and remembering what worked last time I gently pull her towards me putting her head on my chest. I've had panic attacks before, I could relate to the feeling and knew she needed something to bring her back. I held her there for what felt like an eternity, but was probably closer to a few minutes. While standing there I couldn't help but feel awful. Everything bad that had happened to her had been largely my fault. Ally just had something about her that drove me crazy. She was almost as good as Ethan when it came to making me angry, but unlike any fight with Ethan I was always the one who was left feeling bad.  I slowly felt her breathing steady and her shaking stop. A little while later she pulled away. Her face was red and puffy, her hair was frizzy from running her hands through it, and her shirt was wet from the amount of tears she had wiped onto it, but somehow she still looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Gray I'm sorry-" she started to apologize, but I cut her off,

"No, don't be sorry. I'm sorry"

Ally looks taken aback, "I'm sorry that I'm an awful person"

Ally laughs a little, "you can be pretty awful"

She confirms my fears and it feels like a stab in the heart. I said I would never hurt her, but I've done just that,

"But you're a lot of other things too"

I meet her eyes again, "Like what an asshole? a douche bag?"

"No!" she laughs, "Well yes, but no. You're also funny, caring, and sometimes sweet"

"I'm a mess" I say rubbing my forehead,

"Well yes" Ally smiles up at me, "but I am too"

I match her smile, and step closer to her. Ally reaches up on her tippy toes and wraps her arms around my neck. I don't remember who leaned in first, I don't think it matters. I feel my heart racing as I kiss Allison, her soft gentle lips send tingles down my spine. I knew I was a mess, my emotions were messier than the broken glass shattered at our feet, but in that moment I could let it go, because I knew what I felt.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now