Just a Kiss

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 You wake up the next morning, throwing your hair up and heading over to the house. You had forgotten to put on shoes so you hurriedly make your way across the cold concrete but pause when you find yourself standing in front of the sliding glass door. Your stomach plummets and twists into knots when you see Grayson sitting on the bar stools eating cereal. How could you have forgotten? Your feet burn from the ice cold ground but regardless of what your brain tells you to do you are frozen. The thought of seeing Grayson both excited and terrified you. Before you knew it you were already back in your bedroom, running through every possible scenario with Grayson. Things would either be very awkward or perfectly fine, your kiss with Ethan didn't change anything, but Grayson isn't Ethan your subconscious reminds you, and with that a flood of memories. Grayson being caring and then Grayson being demanding and angry, he was the definition of bipolar.

You stayed in your room with your racing mind until you hear a knock on the door. You took a deep breath before opening it, knowing there was a fifty fifty chance Grayson was on the other side. Luckily for you it was Ethan, 

"Hey" he said as you opened the door, "how are you feeling?"

"Could be better" you laugh remembering your stuffed nose and loud cough, "How was the party?"

"Oh, it was pretty fun" he smiled, "I was going out to breakfast and I was wondering if you wanted to come"

You thought about it for a moment, "Um, no that's okay I'll find something to eat here"

"Alright then, have fun" he smiles and turns back to the house.

You shut the door and sigh. A few minutes goes by until you decide that you were hungry and you couldn't hide from Grayson forever, you should't be hiding from him in the first place. So with that you head for the door again, with shoes this time.

You spend a good three minutes staring into the pantry, looking between a box of lucky charms and some pancake mix. You settle for convenience and grab the cartoon of milk to go with your cereal. Out of the corner of your eye you see Grayson walking towards you and you immediately feel panicked. Nearly knocking over your bowl and spilling a bit of milk you say, 

" Hey, feeling better?" Your voice sounded small and unsure and you mentally face palmed yourself for your lack of confidence this morning. He grabs a glass from the cabinet and looks at you for only a moment, 

" Yea, I told you I recover fast." His back was to you as he got some water from the fridge, and although you couldn't see his face you knew he was smiling. 

You couldn't help but scoff in reply remembering his dazed and ill state he'd been in for the past few days, "Right okay." You smile taking a bite of your cereal as you wait for him to retaliate, but to your surprise he walks off to his room without a word. What the fuck? Did he not hear me? Okay calm down, it's not that big of a deal Allison, you remind yourself. But then your remember the way his lips moved against yours and how he smiled against your skin. How could someone be so warm and wake up to be so cold. 

Acting upon impulse you storm down the hall, forgetting to knock when you swing his door open. His jaw drops and he stares at you in nothing but his boxers, you knew if he had the words he would say "What the fuck Ally?" or maybe he would say something more teasing, you never knew what to expect from Grayson. You cheeks light on fire as you turn around to give him privacy, "Sorry, I just um... I," Stop muttering Allison you sound pathetic, "We need to talk ." You say more sternly finding your confidence.

You wait for him to respond once again, hearing the sound of a drawer and the zipper of jeans. You suck in a deep breath when he comes up right behind you, " Talk about what?" He says, his breath hot against your neck.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now