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I woke up and surprisingly this time it wasn't because Grayson was chucking pillows at me. I looked at my alarm to see that it was 10:37. That's weird, Grayson had usually waken me up by now, I got out of bed putting on the closest shirt I could find on the floor. I walked to the kitchen and was again surprised once again when there wasn't the foul stench of something Grayson had cooked. I headed back down the hall and into Grayson's room, maybe he just slept in. But when I opened the door his bed was made as if he didn't even touch it. Maybe he left last night? Walking back to the living room and peeking between the blinds i see that his car is still here and so was his motorcycle. Now I'm worried, Maybe he got kidnapped, or worse maybe he walked to get some more groceries for his breakfast.

 I recall him being with Allison last night, maybe she knows where he went. I make my way out into the backyard, Allison left the door unlocked, which wasn't exactly smart but at the same time she was living in our backyard, so the only people she had to worry about was Gray and I. I open the door and head straight to the back of the room , I lightly knock on her bedroom door, but she doesn't answer. Shit what if something bad happened to Allison and Grayson. I slowly open the door just in case she was still asleep, maybe she just didn't hear me knock. But just like Grayson's her bed was neatly made. I walk into her room trying to find anything that could tell me where they are. I pull out my phone deciding that I should probably call Gray before this gets blown out of proportion. 

It rings, and rings, and then I hear it echo back, what the fuck? Why is Grayson's phone in the guest house? I storm out into the main room and that's when I see it. How could i have missed it the first time? 

"Grayson?" He was slowly waking up reaching for his phone on the coffee table, Allison and Grayson were sleeping on the couch together. Grayson looks up at me, 

"Ethan?" He asks barely able to open his eyes.

"What the fuck?" I say a little to loudly letting my anger boil over. Allison begins to stir awake, her head coming up from Grayson's shoulder.

"What's going on here?" I ask trying to return to a calmer voice.

"What do you mean?" Grayson sits up, Allison leans to the opposite end of the couch rubbing her eyes. Must have been a long night for her.

" I mean, what the fuck were you two doing last night?" 

"Oh!" Grayson says casually, " we played Jenga, we didn't want to wake you up if things got too heated because Allison and I get carried away sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I raised my voice at him balling up my fists. Grayson notices,

" Yea we play games sometimes, we played a ton of rounds because I always finished the game too fast, I'm not very good at Jenga."

I stepped closer to Grayson Grabbing his shirt in my fist, that's when Allison stepped in pushing me off of him, 

" Ethan what the fuck! Lay off him! If you wanted to play Jenga so bad you should have told us!" She said blocking me from Grayson. 

I take a step back looking at both of them, " You two really expect me to stand here and believe you actually played Jenga last night."

"Yes!" They said simultaneously, glancing at each other and laughing a little. Jesus Christ they weren't taking this seriously.

"You know what?" I say exasperated, " I'm sure you guys were playing Jenga, I'm sure you 'played Jenga' hard all night long." 

"Uh, I mean yea, we kinda did. I was so worn out from Jenga that I guess i fell asleep here." Grayson responded looking at the couch and then to Allison right next to him. That's it i can't stand here and feed into him like this. I walked over balling his shirt in my fist again.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now