Good Game

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 On the drive back to your campsite you stole a few glances at Grayson. You still felt incredibly guilty about your stupid idea to go on a hike. You could only sit there imagining all the possible scenarios of how you could possibly make this one up to him. 

"Allison," He says, startling you when you realize you had been staring, "really, its okay." He looks at you smiling and returns his gaze to the road. You can only smile, who knew Grayson was capable of actual human compassion. For the first time you don't see Grayson as a grizzly bear, instead you feel safe and comfortable. You look back to Grayson, his wet hair flopped to one side and his t-shirt clung to his body, it takes you a moment to notice you're staring again when you see a boyish grin on his face. Crap, you think to yourself returning to the scenery from your window, although you were more interested in a different view. Hopefully he hadn't noticed that the entire car ride you were completely occupied with studying every feature of his face and all that set him apart from Ethan. Although they claim they are identical twins you now find it hard to believe. Grayson and Ethan were entirely different people to you now, it wasn't Ethan and the other Ethan, he was Grayson, and you were only beginning to realize how much you enjoyed this side of him. 

As you guys get closer to the campsite you notice the small drizzle of rain, you must have caught up to the storm. The rain fell more intensely the further you drove, until you were at your campsite and it was pummeling onto the windshield. You look to Grayson, you were slightly afraid of slipping and nearly falling on your ass again. 

" Okay, here's the plan: we are just going to run straight to the tent." He looks you dead in the eyes as if you two were plotting a heist.

"Okay, great idea, but, there's kind of a flaw to your plan. You see, I can't run, or walk, or even get out of the car without falling on my-" You're cut off with the drivers door slamming shut. That asshole, you think to yourself wondering what the hell you were going to do now. But just then your door opens, and just as soon as you felt the gust of cold air you were swept up once again into Grayson's arms. You let out a shriek and he runs you to the tent, setting you back on your feet.

"Get inside, I need to grab something." He says louder than the rain.

You pull the zipper down and plunge yourself into the tent desperately trying to escape the growing wrath of the storm outside. You grab onto your shoulders trying to warm yourself up as to stop the vigorous shaking and teeth chattering, that's when the zipper opens once again and Grayson falls in as well as various other items. 

"Here." He throws a towel at you. Immediately drying your face and soaking wet hair. You look down seeing a puddle pooling below you from your drenched clothes, "Fuck" you sigh.

"What?" You look up to see Grayson holding goldfish, twizzlers and a bag of m&m's in his hands.

" Your soaking wet." You say also noticing the pool forming beneath him.

"Yea I noticed." He laugh setting the snacks down in the corner of the tent.

"Well... we should probably," You pause, afraid of what he would think of your suggestion.

"Change?" He smirks. You were starting to believe he really could read your thoughts.

"Yeah," Your heart pounding like the rain on the tent. You look up to see Grayson already shirtless unbuttoning his jeans, " Oh god, Grayson!" You say turning around before he could discard any more of his clothes. He laughs and you feel your cheeks burn although you were still shaking from the cold. 

" You turn." He says after a minute of you playing with a hook on the corner of the tent. You cautiously turn around to see him fully clothed in a long sleeve black shirt and red plaid pajama bottoms. 

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now