Boom POW fireworks

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The days passed leading to New Years, and while you getting better Grayson was not. For priding himself on his good immune system the flu was kicking his ass. You took the nurse role off of Ethan and stepped up taking care of Gray, sure you were not even close to 100%, you still had the cough, sore throat, and a running nose, but Grayson was still vomiting. The majority of his time was spent in his dark room wrapped up in various blankets, you felt horrible for giving him the flu, but he insisted it was fine. You prided yourself in being a diligent nurse, even going as far to carry his plant into the living room so it wouldn't die with the lack of sunlight.

When you weren't tending to Grayson you and Ethan were hanging out, playing a lot of video games and eating a lot of Cane's, there wasn't much you could do considering you still felt like ass, but Ethan didn't mind. You always had fun with Ethan, and his crazy personality could make you smile anytime anywhere.

New Years Eve was approaching fast and you finally saw improvement in Grayson, well maybe improvement was the wrong word, more like a slight betterment in his health. The day before New Year's Eve Grayson kept down his first plate of toast, and you felt like the most successful Doctor on the planet. Not only that, he was now sitting up and actually drinking the water you brought him. His fever was still there, but it was more around 99 or 100 instead of 3000.

You woke up early on New Year's Eve, because you had to get prepared for the party that night. James was going to come over that afternoon for a New Year's party. You were excited to ring in the New Year with your best friends. You took a shower and then head for the house, not only to grab some breakfast, but also to check on Gray.

To your surprise he was sitting on the couch in the living room, and looked even better than the day before,

"Someone is looking better" you smile walking through the sliding glass door,

"Yeah" Grayson says, pausing the video he was watching, "I think Chubs really helped me pull through for the New Year" That's when you notice he had brought the little bear with him, which made you smile. You found it incredibly cute that he had thought through bringing the bear with him,

"I think so too, do you want anything to eat?" you ask, heading for the kitchen,

"That's okay, you've already done enough" he says, pulling the blanket closer to him,

You wash a bowl of fruit for the both of you anyway and join Grayson on the couch, where you both end up devouring the whole thing,

"Anything else?" you ask, bringing the bowl to the sink, you didn't mind taking care of him. He was really sick and it was the least you could do,

"No but thank you" he looks at the clock, which read 11:30, "Actually could you go wake up Ethan? He probably wants to be awake and ready for when James gets here"

"Yeah... sure" you reply hesitantly, you weren't scared of Ethan, but anytime you had ever encountered him being woken up you were about three seconds away from calling the cops. The boy really liked his sleep, but Grayson was right.

You gently knock on his door, and step inside, "Hey Ethan" you say quietly to no avail, "Ethan?" this time you were louder, but Ethan stayed fast asleep, "Ethan!" you half shouted, and finally you see him stir, "Hey Ethan, Grayson told me to come wake you up"

He stirred a little more and then squinted his eyes open, "What time is it?" he asked,

"It's like 11:30" you answer, he groans and rubs his eyes, rolling over to grab his phone,

"Happy New Year's Eve" you say making your way back out, you heard him mumble something back, it could have been anything. Ethan couldn't think straight until at least 2:00 in the afternoon. 

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now