Dr. Dick

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You nearly jump off the couch to the abrupt sound of Powerglide ringing in your ears. You curse under your breath for letting Ethan set up your phone and connect it to his Apple Music. Tearing all the pillows and blankets off the couch you look for the source of the blasting music before it wakes anyone up, not that it's possible. These boys slept like bricks. Slipping your hand between the couch cushions you finally reach your phone. You make a mental note to stop falling asleep to Netflix, so you won't have to dig through the couch every morning to find where your phone disappeared to in your sleep.  

You sigh, 7:03, you think to yourself as you pick your crutches off the floor and make your way to the guest bathroom. You can only pray that after today you will never have to look at these sorry excuses for legs ever again. Being on crutches really drained all your energy, but the thought of having free use of your leg again gave you just enough energy to get dressed.

You pull your hair into a ponytail, noticing yet again the beautiful necklace. It tormented you at the thought of keeping it hidden from everyone, but the thought of Grayson seeing it tormented you even more. You tuck it into your shirt and head for the kitchen, taking out a leftover slice of pizza from the night before. As you munch on your cold breakfast you realize how sick you are of having pineapple pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Regardless you eat the slice, it's not like you had time to whip up a gourmet breakfast. 

Scrolling through Instagram, you avoid waking up either of the twins for as long as possible. You would have more luck waking a dead person than Ethan at this time in the morning, and you shudder of the thought of walking into Grayson's room and waking the bear from his den.

The clock soon nears 7:30 and you nervously glance from your lock screen to the hallway, as if watching the minuets pass would somehow wake the twins. You should have left 10 minutes ago if you wanted to beat LA traffic, and make it to the appointment on time, but the nerves had a stronger hold on you.

Okay Allison stop being a little bitch and go wake someone up, you mentally talk yourself into it, finally grabbing your crutches and making your way down the hall. Before you make it very far you let out a sigh of relief as you see a half asleep and half naked Grayson step out of his room. His grey sweats were hanging low on his hips, you can't help but stare for a moment as he groggily rubs his eyes. You smile finding it funny that he was so tired standing there he didn't even notice you standing right in front of him. He pulls his hair back and squints at you trying to make out the scene in the brightness of the morning. 

"Allison?" he questioned in a raspy voice,

"Yeah, c'mon lets go" you say urgently nudging him towards the door with the end of your crutch,

"Huh?" He asks still unable to make heads or tails of the morning. 

"Lets go" you urge, "I'm going to be late!" You hold up his keys and toss them at him, he gives no attempt to catch them, instead they hit his chest and then the floor, you laugh and shake your head. You crutch out of the house and hear a loud protesting groan soon followed by the locking of the front door.

The drive to the doctors was uncomfortable. Not physically, Grayson's Porsche was like sitting on a cloud handcrafted by an angel, however there was discomfort in the air. Maybe it was the complete silence or maybe it was the fact that you were pretty sure you weren't the only one hearing your heart pounding in your chest. You reach out and turn up the volume on the radio, you let out a sigh of relief enjoying every second of the monotone voice of the man on the Monday Morning radio. You sit back in the seat smiling, but when you look over to the driver's seat Grayson sends you a wicked glare and turns the volume back down. 

You sink further into your seat if that was even possible. As much as you wanted to like Grayson he proved it to be increasingly difficult with every moment you spend with him. Occasionally you enjoyed his company, but more often than not he made you feel like a child incapable of taking care of yourself, most of all though he made you want to disappear. You fold your arms and look out the window, maybe he just wasn't a morning person you thought hopefully to yourself. You sigh and let your curiosity take over, glancing back at Grayson. His eyes were focused on the road, and his jaw clenched almost as hard as his vise grip on the steering wheel, which was now turning his knuckles white. Clearly he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning because as much of a grump that Grayson could be this was a new level. The last half of the ride was even more silent then the first.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now