The Sister

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It shouldn't matter that they're famous, but for some reason it did. With so many people following them someone out there might know who you are, but you didn't want the attention, you didn't want it in the slightest. 

That morning you are woken up by Ethan and Grayson making noise in the kitchen. You sit up and Ethan notices,

"Hey Alison" he says, "sorry for waking you up, we were hungry"

You stretch and stand up, "No it's all good, What's for breakfast?"

You head over to the island, and you are thoroughly confused to see Ethan eating a brick of uncooked Top Ramen, and Grayson holding a plate with a slice of avocado with a half a tomato on top,

You stand there for a moment staring not sure what your looking at until Ethan breaks the silence,

"You hungry?"

"No, no I'm good" you respond trying to sound polite instead of repulsed. 

"Since there is no more secrets we were wondering if you wanted to meet one of our close friends" Grayson says, looking up from his breakfast.

"We'll admit," Ethan chimed in, "James is a little different, maybe a little unbearable"

"No" Grayson said, "they'll get along just fine"

"What do you mean?" You ask feeling a little scared,

"It will be fine I promise" Ethan said, "Go get dressed he'll be here soon"

You head to Ethan's room, take a quick shower and throw on some ripped jeans, converse that were definitely a size too big, and a matching top.  You brush out your hair and head back to the living room. Just Grayson was standing by the door,

"Where's Ethan?" You ask

"Oh, he went to get camera equipment" Grayson responded, looking up from his phone.

"Why camera equipment?" You ask coming to join him,

"Oh we didn't tell you!" Grayson says, "Were filming a video today with James!" he went on, "Since it's almost Christmas well, it's a month before, but we need content, anyway were going to buy each other surprise gifts, it should be really fun I think you'll love it..."

He was still talking but you couldn't hear him. Your ears were ringing and you started to feel really panicked, Almost Christmas! You thought to yourself, I didn't even realize what time of year it was, why didn't I think of that!  Your vision starts tunneling, were you having a panic attack? You guess. It was getting hard to breathe... Suddenly you notice Grayson is right in front of you, 

"Uh Alison are you okay?" Hes asks frantically,

"I don't know, I can't breathe" you feel really panicked, like the world was going to come crashing down on you.

"It's okay" Grayson said, "Your having a panic attack, listen to my voice"

You try so hard to focus on Grayson's voice but all you can focus on is the weak sensation overcoming your arms and legs. Once again you're having tunnel vision, you feel yourself shaking and wince hearing a loud crash, looking down you see your crutches on the floor and feel yourself falling. Your arms flail out grasping onto to Grayson, he catches you first, pulling you closer to his chest holding you up on your feet. You can hear his heartbeat almost as loud as yours was in your chest. Steadying your focus on your breath matching with his. Grayson holds you there not letting go, you weren't ready yet. You close your eyes once again trying to collect yourself, finally you take a deep breath and hold yourself up resting your hand on Grayson's shoulder to hold yourself up this time. 

" Woah woah woah." You hear Ethan walk in behind you, " What's going on is everything okay? Alison-"

" Shes fine, just give her a minute." Grayson calmly interrupts him. Grayson motions towards your crutches on the floor and Ethan is quick to you side picking them up and handing them to you. 

"Thanks." you say timidly, more to Grayson than Ethan but you still appreciate his help. You balance your weight off Grayson and back to the crutches, you glance up to meet Grayson's stare. You were trying to read his expression, he seemed worried or maybe annoyed, you couldn't really tell with that boy. Just then the door bell rings, " I got it." Ethan says walking off to the door. Grayson comes up beside you,

"Hey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." 

"No," You say, regaining your confidence, " I want to, it will be good for me." At least you hope it will. You look up to see Grayson's furrowed expression, "Grayson, really I'll-"

"HI SISTER OH MY GOD I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU AHHH" You are almost knocked off balance when a...boy? brings you into a hug. 

"Alison, this is James." Ethan smiles at you, almost as if to say 'I told you so'.

"Oh my god!" James squeals, " I knew that shirt would look could on you! Didn't I Ethan?" He says way to enthusiastically looking over his shoulder to Ethan, who very unenthusiastically replied with " Yea..." 

"Lets go Kitty Gurls!" James squeaks strutting out of the house with keys in manicured hand.

"Wow." Is all you can say with an amused expression on your face

"Mhm" Ethan says also walking out the front door, Grayson laughs and follows behind you to James' Tesla in the driveway. 

James was unlike anyone you had met...not in a bad way, he was really sweet and welcoming? Mostly he was very gay. He wore makeup which was really cool, he definitely had a talent for it, although there was a clean line of where his orange foundation met his pale white neck. He wore a white track suit that said sisters all over with a black belt as tall as he was, it sinched his waist and also spelled out SISTERS over and over again. What was up with sisters? You thought to yourself as you climbed into the passenger seat and the twins into the back seat. The whole drive there consisted of James going on and on about some sort of palette. He spoke so fast and you honestly had such a hard time following his words. But what you did catch was very interesting.

" Sobasicallyihavethispaletteanditsosogoodandfreshyouwouldbehonesttogodsistershook! Imeanthepigmentsaresoamazingliketotallyunbelievableyouwouldnevereverbelieveit.AHH!Youcouldreallycreateanylookyouwantedwithit!Andithastheonlyredintheworld!Nootherpaletteshavearedlikemine.!"

You pause, taking in all the information he just vomited into one word.

"unleash you inner artist" He whispers swerving into the wrong lane almost running a red light. You grasp onto the seat fearing for your life in this car with a driver like James. You let out a silent prayer when the car comes to a stop, you open your eyes and see a huge outdoor mall, The Grove.

"Lets go Kitty Girls!" James says again almost jumping out of his seat.

You look back at Ethan and Grayson, "LeTs gO KiTtY GiRlS" Mocks Ethan, you couldnt help but laugh.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now