Merry Christmas to Me

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 You woke up to light pouring in through the blinds. It had to have been at least the afternoon by now. You literally had zero plans today, some pathetic first Christmas Eve Allison, you laugh at your unfortunate situation and take a shower.

 You took your time to thoroughly scrub your body hoping to get rid of any traces of flu. You also didn't hesitate to take as long as you wished considering there was no one else needing hot water any time soon. Using the sleeve of your robe you clear off a little circle in the mirror and take a moment to look at your reflection. You've never seemed to care too much about your own looks but you weren't ashamed to admit that you were blessed with clear skin and voluminous hair. A bag full of makeup James had given you caught your eye. It wouldn't hurt to try some makeup, and if you completely fuck up your face it's fine because no one is here to judge you. You were still pretty confident in your abilities considering you've seen every single James Charles makeup tutorial to exist. 

You were surprisingly pleased when you finished. You didn't do anything drastic, a little foundation and some mascara, you weren't ready to dive into expert territory yet. You finish off your look by curling your hair. You really had no reason to look nice today but you loved the feeling of being dressed up and nice as if you were living a lavish lifestyle. You put on a blue sweater and jeans. It was definitely well past 12 at this point in the day, and you were feeling it when your stomach started growling.

You made your way to the kitchen and found there to be absolutely no food, at least nothing edible. You decided it would be best to post mates rather than risking the food poison. You look at your phone for the first time today. Your social media activity has definitely died down, occasionally you still got likes and followers on Instagram but nothing compared to the day James posted that photo. You quickly found two text messages from Ethan and Grayson

Grayson: Merry Christmas Eve! 😊

Ethan: How are you doing? 

You smile at the text and again miss hanging out with your best friends.

You respond to Grayson and fill Ethan in on your lies of oh yea I've been doing great and yep totally not lonely at 

You sit down and watch some survival videos that just so happened to be in the recommended section thanks to Grayson. A couple videos in and your post mates finally arrives with some hot cakes and hash browns from McDonald's. Grayson would kill me if he saw what i had been eating for the past week, you think to yourself taking a bite of the pancakes.

After breakfast you were bored and decided to go outside and take some selfies, why not it couldn't hurt? You found the prettiest part of their backyard that had the best lighting. After probably a good one hundred photos you found one that you liked. 

You went back to the house and decided to post it. Automatically comments started rolling in and you just left it alone to settle out. The day crawled by, you were excited for it to be over with if you were going to be honest. Christmas doesn't matter when there is no one around to celebrate with.

Around five you get a text from Grayson:

Face Time?

You smile and text back a little too fast,


A minute or so later your phone rings, and you answer to see Grayson on the other end, miles away,

"Hey" you laugh as he quickly goes to fix the lighting,

"Hey" he responds reaching for the switch just off screen, "Merry Christmas Eve"

"Merry Christmas Eve" you say as he returns in front of the camera, "What time is it over there?" 

"It just turned eight" he said, you knew that meant he would be sleeping pretty soon,

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now