You Done Fucked Up

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You heard Ethan's car drive away, and you stay at the door. I just kissed Ethan, was all you could say to yourself, I just kissed Ethan twice. You step away from the door and start to clean up the dishes from the I'm sorry pancakes.

You had a lot to process, you just did the exact thing you said you wouldn't do, but emotions overruled logic for this one. You knew it was probably a mistake, it would be awkward and messy and complicated...

You shouldn't have let Ethan persuade you to kiss him so easily, but it felt nice. You liked having that connection to someone. In this big, scary, unfamiliar world Ethan was the only thing that stayed constant. You liked Ethan, but you weren't sure in which way.

It was a roller coaster of emotions when you thought about Ethan. He was nice, and comforting, and always knew the right thing to say. You couldn't make up your mind on Ethan for now you decided to ride the coaster a little longer until you could find out.

You finished the dishes, and started thinking about Grayson. You didn't think he would be angry at you, because you and him didn't fight, you thought very wrong.

You heard the keys in the door and jumped off the couch ready to greet Grayson at the door, but when he got inside he took one look at you and went to his room. You felt as if he struck an arrow to your heart. You watched him leave and looked at Ethan, who must have seen the hurt in your eyes.

The way he ignored you was identical to the first couple days you were at their house, last time it didn't matter, you barley knew him. This time was different...

"It's okay Allison" Ethan said coming inside, "he always comes around remember?" you slowly closed the door and turned to Ethan,

"I'm going to talk to him"

"That's a bad idea" he said, almost pleading with you,

"I know." you say turning to the hall,

"Okay then, uh, call me if you need anything" Ethan said watching you in disbelief as you strolled away.

You walked right up to Grayson's door and knocked... nothing, as expected. I'm not giving up, you think looking around for some way to talk to him, that's when you spot it. A little notepad and pen on fridge.

You march back to his room and scrawl out a little note:

What's up?

You write, sending the note through the door, within a few seconds the note is slid back, with nothing written on it. You try again:

How's the weather been?

You write laughing at the clearly dumb question, but yet again the note is slid under the door with no response.

You sigh and slide down the wall sitting by the door and, biting on the tip of the pen trying to think of something Grayson will respond to. That's when you get it:

I bet you won't respond

This time the note disappears for a minute, before returning with a message:


You smile, writing another message:

Are you talking now?

Yet again the paper stays over there for a while before returning:


Dang, Grayson is really stubborn. You decide to quit the small talk and cut to the chase:

Okay, but really what's wrong?

The note vanishes for the longest time yet and arrives with the message:

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now