Sister, Shut up

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Once at the front of the mall the twins told you that you would be going with James and helping him film, while they went off to find his presents.

 The very second this was decided James went sprinting in the opposite direction to who knows where. You give one last look at Ethan and Grayson before following him as fast as you could with a broken ankle and crutches. You are watching James get farther and farther away, until he sister slipped...hard. You are talking his makeup is probably sister spread over the white tile.

You hear James muttering, "Oh fuck. Oh fuck." as he picks himself off the floor, which gives you time to finally catch up.

When you finally get there, James has stood up and was trying to wipe the stains off his white track suit. 

"Where is my beefy daddy when I need him?" He says as you approach him.

"You're beefy what?" you ask, genuinely confused at what he's talking about.

"Have you not seen Grayson's muscles?" James says, then under his breath, "I would give him a sister suck any day" 

You decide not to reply, especially to that last comment and instead follow James, who has now decided to walk, to a camping store. 

You get inside and follow James around while he seems to grab every single item in the store and throw it into the cart, you watch in disbelief seeing that every item brings up the total cost dramatically.

"So who are we shopping for?" you ask watching James struggle to add a 10 person tent into his cart,

"Oh! Grayson of course, he has a strange obsession with survival videos on YouTube so I thought I'd get him his own kit." He pauses starring at his cart, "The kid definitely has some kinks to work out" he sighs and continues shopping, while you are left struggling to decide in which way James meant by 'kinks'.

You aimlessly wander around the store with James, but thinking about Grayson as an 'outdoors guy' surprises you, The man only wears Gucci, you think to yourself, there's no way he could tough it out in the wilderness alone.

James finishes shopping and heads to the cashier, you watch with each scan as the total amount screen sky rockets. James casually swipes his card and heads out with his seemingly thousands of items.

When you step out of the store James announces that he's hungry, "let's get a sister snack before finishing our sister shopping spree!" He squeals, this sister thing is going to get old quick, you think to yourself as James heads back to the front of the mall. 

"How does Cane's sound?" He asks, lugging his shopping bags to his car.

"Oh! I had Cane's a few nights ago" as you are about to suggest a sandwich place instead, James cuts you off, "Perfect! Let's go!"

You get to Cane's and Jame's pulls into the drive-through. 

"Oh aren't we going to eat inside?" you ask, assuming it was a habit for him to just go into the drive-through. 

"Oh no" James says, almost hitting the car in front of you in line, "There will be too many sisters in there wanting pictures and neither of us want to do that right now, besides that means we can have a mukbang in the Tesla!"

James orders your food and the man taking the order asks the signature, 

"Anything to drink with that?"

James looks to you, "what would you like to sister sip?"

"Um... a sprite please" just as you are about to recall that cute moment when Ethan was worried if he picked the right drink on the first day you met, James cuts you off by singing

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now