Take flight with a douchey asshole who is sometimes kind of sweet but not really

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7:23 AM

You've never been on a plane before, at least not that you can remember. Grayson must have noticed the way your legs were bouncing up and down, or the way you were practically gasping for air. His hand slips over yours giving you a light squeeze,

"Hey how long is this flight going to be?" You lean into him trying to keep you voice low to not wake the already asleep passengers in the cabin. Being Ethan and Bryant fast asleep in the aisle across from you.

"About 8 hours." He gives your hand another squeeze as you lean back and tilt your head up to the ceiling letting out a long breath. "Hey its alright, no there's only 7 hours 59 minutes and 12 seconds!" You laugh nervously glancing out the window waiting for the plane to go down the runway. You really liked runways, for example you and Grayson had binged a few episodes of America's next Top Model together until you got addicted and Grayson insisted on staying loyal to KUWTK. Planes however did not belong on runways, much like humans didn't belong in the sky. 

You let out a subtle gasp squeezing Grayson's hand and closing your eyes as the plane began to move. You felt his body shift beside you and you opened your eyes to see him reaching over to pull the blind over your window. "Just picture yourself somewhere else," He snaked an arm along your back pulling you against his side, "Think of a nice memory" He nearly whispered against your ear. And you did exactly that.

~ You dragged all your bags into your bedroom emptying the contents out so you could sort through them. Throwing things into your suitcase however was not enough, instead you layed out several different outfits pulling out a few t-shirts from your closet and pairing them with the shorts. You tried on every single outfit, posing in the mirror, you spun around and put on your Versace sun glasses. You absolutely adored them, every outfit was well put together and your shades took you from a 5 1/2 to a 7. Putting your hoodie and leggings back on you make your way back to the suitcase. Shaking your head and removing the red lingerie set you laugh and set it aside, neatly putting all your items into the suitcase. After everything was packed up you remembered your swimsuit, finding the bag in the corner of the room you also find the one Grayson had given you. You took both back to the bed where your suitcase was nearly full. Dumping out the contents of both bags you were practically speechless when sets of lingerie tumbled out of the larger bag. Lace bras, lace panties. What the hell? You thought to yourself why would Grayson buy me all this stuff he couldn't even find a swimsuit top. You ended up packing every single piece he bought you because although it was a strange gift you absolutely adored them. You later brought the matter up to Grayson while he was finishing up the episode of KUWTK that you started without him. This ended in him chasing you around the room in a tickle fight only to distract you and save himself from reliving the embarrassment.~

You smiled at the memory dragging in a long breath.

"Ally?" Grayson says still holding you close to him.

"Yea" you incoherently mumble trying to keep your mind anywhere but the sky.

"Are you okay? You were very quiet." 

"Yeah I think I'm okay" You let out a shaky breath as you were officially aware of your surroundings and current state. 

"Taking off is always the worst part." He runs his long fingers through your hair, "The rest isn't bad though, I brought us card games." You laugh and pull away to meet his eyes.

"Grayson I don't know how well us playing games in a confined space would work out."

He laughed resting his elbow on the arm rest, "Yea your probably right."

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now