The Other Ethan

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You wake up, roll over, and look at the alarm clock 11:30?!?  You think to yourself shocked you would sleep in that late, I know I was tired, but not THAT tired!  Your stomach starts growling so you decide to help yourself and head to the kitchen. You walk up to the same counter you had dinner on the night before and find a note, it says:

Hey Alison! I had to go pick up a few things and you were still asleep when I left. There's some hot pockets in the freezer if you get hungry, sorry I don't know how to cook!

You laugh a little after reading his note and head to the freezer. You don't remember anything but for some reason the idea of hot pockets was giving you the heebie jeebies. Instead you start nosing through the fridge. For not knowing how to cook Ethan sure has a lot of ingredients you thought pulling out the eggs and milk for french toast. Sure, you didn't know how you knew how to make french toast, but it was really good so it didn't matter. 

It didn't look like Ethan was coming back anytime soon so you decide to go get dressed in something other than the baggy basketball shorts from yesterday. You crutch back to the guest bedroom and just decide to look through that closet clearly, you thought to yourself, If Ethan has this many clothes he wouldn't mind if i borrowed a couple. 

Just as you were about to start looking through the closet the door opens, so you causally say,

"Did you ever learn that walking in without knocking is rude?" you laugh a little, but then you are really confused when Ethan walks in and says

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?"

"What?" you ask literally so confused,

"Who the fuck are you?" Ethan asks sounding a little angry

"Ethan, we've been over this and it's not funny" you shot back, feeling a little hurt

"Ethan?" He pauses and sighs, "just get out"

"What do you mean 'get out '? " you were getting angry now, "you know I have no where to go! You promised me a place to stay!"

"I have no idea what the fuck your talking about! Just get out or I'm calling the cops"

You break down sobbing, the one person you thought you could trust now acts like their the one with amnesia, you push past Ethan heading to the door, but when you open it there's Ethan... at the door.

You freeze staring at Ethan in shock 

" What the fuck?" You shout running your hands through your hair, tears still streaming down your face. 

" Woah Woah Woah, Alison whats going on?" He sets the grocery bags down and reaches out for your arm. Immediately you pull away from him. You both stare at each other equally confused.

"But... you were just...How did you...I don't know just get away from me!" you shout backing up. You jump when you feel yourself back into someone behind you, its...Ethan? You let out a scream and jump back 

" Ethan WHAT is going on?" Ethan shouts back at Ethan

"Gray why the hell are you home so early?" Replies Ethan. You look back and forth frantically from Ethan to Ethan or Gray? You don't know this whole situation makes you feel like your in a fever dream. 

" We wrapped things up early, now who the hell is this?" He gestures towards you. 

" Gray calm down I can explain everything, just give me a second." He looks in your direction, " Alison, I'm so sorry this is my brother Grayson i should've told you he lives here..."

" Yea and that he's your identical twin!" you snap back, "He scared me to death!"

"I scared you to death?" Grayson shouts stepping closer to you, " Your the complete stranger that was in my room-" 

" Grayson!" Ethan cuts him off, " Alison can you please give us a minute?"

" Sure." you say feeling entirely overwhelmed. You head for Ethan's room, you sure as hell aren't going back to Grayson's room. You pull yourself onto Ethan's bed and sit there listening to their muffled shouting through the walls. You feel terrible, if you knew you were going to cause all this trouble you wouldn't have stayed here. Minutes pass and you hear what you assume is the front door slam. 

A moment later Ethan opens the door holding like six bags in his hands, " So, i got you a few things. Figured you probably wouldn't want to keep wearing my clothes." Ethan continued to ramble, there is no way he was just going to pretend whatever the hell just happened didn't happen.

"Ethan." He stops talking and looks at you, " Wheres Grayson?" 

"Oh um.. he uh.. yea he left, don't worry he'll be back hes just going to blow off some steam you know, chopping down trees, maybe kill a few people, the usual."

"What?" You shout reaching for you crutches and standing

" No no i was kidding!" Ethan throws his hands up, " Grayson's harmless."

" Are you sure? He didn't seem very harmless" You questioned Ethan, remembering how angry Grayson had been, he could probably destroy you with out hesitation. There was something different in his presence that made you feel nervous, maybe it was the way he towered over you, but he was no different in height than Ethan. Maybe it was the fact that after meeting Grayson, Ethan's body although muscular didn't even compare to Grayson's. That boy could probably dead lift a semi truck with you and Ethan inside...

"He's a total teddy bear." Ethan replies pulling you from your thoughts. Taking a plain black crop top out of one of the bags, Ethan looks at you waiting for some kind of reaction. " To be honest I didn't know what to buy I just had someone help me pick out a bunch of stuff." He began to pull out more things from the bags, sweatpants, sweatshirts, tops and bottoms, even shoes! You were completely speechless.

" I hope i got the right sizes, I'm really not sure i don't know your style and I-" He rambled on again.

" Ethan, Ethan, this is amazing, you really didn't have to do this." You're completely dumbfounded. You smile picking through all the clothes when you notice a smirk on Ethan's face. " Oh no, what else?" you ask, smiling even more. 

"Well," Ethan says matching your smile, " I figured if your going to be staying with me for a while then we should probably have a way to keep in contact other than counter notes." He reaches into his pocket and holds up an IPhone. 

" Ethan!" You gasp, " You did not buy me a phone, I can't take that." You shake your head, but he hands you the phone.

"Here," He says, sitting down next to you on the bed, " I'll help you set it up."

________________________________________________________________________________Hi, hello, I,m still crying because Grayson followed me, not trying to brag im just horrifically shooked to the core

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now